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Re: [News] Microsoft Program Manager Jumps Ship

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 05 September 2006 11:32 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> I'm Leaving Microsoft
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | A number of my projects in Vista got cut and then my post-Vista work
>>> | was continually held up but the whims of other teams.
>>> `----
>>> http://mediacenter.mattgoyer.com/archives/2006/08/23/1170
>>> There's a pattern here.
>> He might have just been crap at his job and his projects kept getting
>> dropped because they were crap too.
> I'm sure that's what his ex-boss is saying just now...

Maybe they just couldn't get integrated. An intrinsic problem at MS is that
divisions work separately without specs for interoperability. Surprise,
surprise! Windows is not modular. Microsoft wish it was, but it requires 60%
of the source code to be scraped or mended (and then be made safe and
bug-free, thanks to maturity and peer review which is better handled by OSS
paradigms, with communities). Anyhoo...

 add to this the fact that, when it comes to Microsoft innovation, there is
little or none. Technologies comes as acquisitions, so no wonder that the
final product is code spaghetti which is so prone to breakage (e.g. morbid
updates, DLL hell, excess/bloat). Someone once told me that a softie's book
on code practices should never be read because those principles are never
put to use in practice.

Best wishes,


Can Mac OS X and Vista catch up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYjv0S_k0xo
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