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Re: Pre-installed Windows "worth" $120?

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Cr00zng ] on Friday 01 September 2006 20:27 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [ B Gruff ] on Friday 01 September 2006 23:45 \__
>>>> On Friday 01 September 2006 23:18 B Gruff wrote:
>>>>> To be more accurate (and I assume it was the XP Home), and if I am
>>>>> reading things correctly, the French Court has just awarded 100 Euro to
>>>>> a guy who was "forced" to have MS pre-installed on his laptop, and
>>>>> didn't want it.
>>>>> AFAIK, this is the first such ruling by the French courts.
>>>>> All the same, if this is correct, and can be used as a precedent......
>>>>> Can anybody here offer a good translation?
>>>>> With *my* "competence" in French, it could just as likely say that they
>>>>> stripped him of his assets for challenging the principle, and that he's
>>>>> going to do 100 years hard labour in the French colonies!
> http://aramis.obspm.fr/~coulais/LogicielsLibres/Detaxe/JugementCRESP-ASUS_06.07.06.pdf
>>>> Still scratching my head, but now reading it as:-
>>>> XP
>>>> 100 Euro refund
>>>> 250 Euro in "pove-able" expenses?
>>> If true, this is excellent news:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/nucvr
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/browse_frm/thread/b7fc5989869233c2/e9074d52774cb88b#e9074d52774cb88b
>>> It will also give a a stronger push for OEM's to give up on Windows
>>> altogether, offering choice instead. Microsoft's scare tactics will no
>>> longer have an effect although, for vanity purposes, they would prefer
>>> bland laptops rather than preinstallation of Linux. They try to keep Linux
>>> out of sight, e.g. in the showroom.
>> Your dreaming again...
>> The demand keeps Linux out of the desktop/laptop market, not anything
>> else. Dell did offer Linux as an alternative OS for their desktop/laptop
>> line couple of years ego, which they discontinued after a short while
>> for lack of interest.
> Proof please.
>> If there's going to be a a sizable interest for OEM desktop Linux, as in
>> companies can make money on it, they will be more than happy to bring it
>> in the showroom. As they already do for the server platform...
> This only happened earlier this year.
> http://www.schestowitz.com/temp/screenshots/dell-gives-choice.jpg
> ,----[ Snippet ]
>| One company has not played a role in Dell's Linux decisions. "Microsoft
>| has not talked to us about Linux. If they did, I wouldn't care. It's none
>| of their business," concluded Dell.
> `----
>                 http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS3822185143.html
> History suggests otherwise. To quote:
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| ...PC makers remain loyal to (read: scared of) Microsoft.
> `----
> http://www.forbes.com/free_forbes/2006/0918/102e.html?partner=yahoomag
> As Novell's CEO says:
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Microsoft Corp is using scare tactics to exert pressure on PC vendors
>| not to explore the potential of desktop Linux, according to Novell
>| Inc president and COO, Ron Hovsepian
> `---- 
> http://www.commentwire.com/article_news.asp?guid=2044AB5A-59CA-4EC3-AD3F-73DF7BC4F8E0
>                          (link now broken) 
> To add a part of Rex's post:
> __/ [ Rex Ballard ] on Sunday 03 September 2006 06:10 \__
>> HP announced that one of their top-of-the-line proliant laptops, along
>> with one of their desktop machines, would be offered with SUSE Linux.
>> They were introducing the AMD-64 processor based machines.  For a few
>> weeks, it looked like HP was about to "break out" and start
>> mass-marketing machines preinstalled with Linux.
>> Within a few weeks however, things very suddenly changed, and HP
>> stopped promoting their machines with preinastalled Linux, even before
>> there was a chance to do a "test market".  Why did they suddenly stop?
>> Was there a sudden management change?  If so, what triggered that?  It
>> certainly merits at least a simple investigation, by federal agents,
>> and some sworn depositions collected in confidence.  Just to confirm
>> whether or not Microsoft is honoring the "No retailation against OEMs
>> who offer Linux" provision of the settlement.
>> Lennovo as well, announced that they were going to offer the T60p,
>> their top-of-the-line T series thinkpad, with Linux.  Within 48 hours,
>> they withdrew the offer.  Again, it merits investigation, even if it
>> turns out to be nothing.

I think that this illustrates just why many of the off-topic folk here
don't like the news postings - those very postings are /proof positive/
that much of their off-topic ramblings are just FUD;  your posting above
goes a very long way to show that with a few well chosen articles from
reliable and independently checkable sources, the advocacy of linux has
changed from anecdote and "fonts, cli, nobody uses it" to a growth rate
and breadth which is breathtaking.

That linux and FOSS has forced the biggest vendor of competing software
to FOSS, Microsoft, to offer internationalisation in regions it
previously chose to ignore, is an indication that even a behemoth like
MS is struggling to cope with the success of FOSS.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
'Tis more blessed to give than receive; for example, wedding presents.
		-- H.L. Mencken

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