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[News] Vista's Marketing Mistakes

Vista Transition: Microsoft Should Take a Lesson from Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| Opinion: The looming choice for Windows users is either to stick with
| Windows XP (and older hardware) or take Windows Vista cold turkey.
| But Microsoft doesn't have to be so tough--Apple did it differently with 
| the Mac OS X rollout. 
| [...]
| Most small business users and of course, consumers, will be migrated by
| fiat. These are the very customers who have forgotten (or never
| understood, more like it) the terms of license for the OS on their
| machines.
| Worse, this group believes they will be able to pop in the install discs
| for XP on their new machine and everything will be as it was. Not. 


Even that $900 million advertising budget (braishwash) for Vista won't be
able to save it.

Nice Gentoo screenshot: http://securitydot.net/viewscreen/30.html

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