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[News] What Linux Needs is Only Marketing

Open Source, Linux and the importance of marketing and public perception

,----[ Quote ]
| Almost all of our interviewees found Ubuntu Linux easy to use (no
| surprises there). Most of them were truly astonished as to how much
| punch Ubuntu packs in a single CD. A large portion of the interviewees
| were actually willing to try it, especially if the BSA threatened to crack
| their businesses down (that they were using pirated software is, of
| course, not a surprise as well). Just a single person, who seemed to hate
| computers, did not find anything to like about Ubuntu (and this person
| fits the reproductive learning profile -- she memorized procedures instead
| of learning concepts about computer usage).


That last point is the problem with an education system that teaches kids
proprietary software like Word. They memorise menus rather than adopt and
get accustomed to valuable concepts. My mother is the same...

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