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[News] Vista Ignores the Big Pictures, Pays Attention to Minor Details

Microsoft: Ignore the Big Picture, Focus on Little Things

,----[ Quote ]
| My favorite part of Microsoft's excuse for this is that the startup sound
| is a spiritual part of their branding experience, and therefore, it should
| be heard by one and all. It's amusing to me that a single sound has been
| a part of their core Vista plan for so many months, and you know, when you
| think about it, that explains a lot. I can just visualize a room full
| of Microsoft executives obsessing over what the startup sound should
| sound like while ignoring more pertinent issues such as, well, the actual
| design of the OS. An attention to detail is important, but when ito
| bscures the big picture, then there's a problem.
| It gets better: Microsoft even hired a famous guitarist (Robert Fripp)
| to create the sound for them. Quite frankly, I don't care if the soundw
| as recorded by the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra or P. Diddy becausei
| t's just something that comes before the thing that I really want, which
| is the OS itself.


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