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Re: Windows Product Activation and the EULA makes Virtualisation useless

  • Subject: Re: Windows Product Activation and the EULA makes Virtualisation useless
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 23:47:09 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / ISBE, Manchester University / ITS / Netscape / MCC
  • References: <rd14u3-1f3.ln1@sky.matrix>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ [H]omer ] on Tuesday 19 September 2006 03:31 \__

> Scenario:
> 1 PC
> 1 HDD
> 1 Windows Install
> ...
> 2 Hardware Profiles, one for booting direct, and one for VMWare.
> Result:
> .----
> | ######
> | Vulcano23 wrote:
> |
> | Hi,
> | I am trying to run the same Windows installation natively on my
> | laptop and within VmWare running in Linux.
> |
> | I have setup two hardware profiles in Windows, one for the real
> | hardware (called Hardware) and one for the VmWare emulated hardware
> | (called Virtual).
> |
> | Everything works fine except that each time I boot with a different
> | hardware profile, Windows complains about activation.
> |
> | Do you have any suggestions on how to properly activate both profiles?
> |
> | I do not believe I am violating the EULA since I am performed one,
> | single installation and I am running Windows on one, single machine
> | (using a software layer when running it inside VmWare).
> | ######
> |
> | ######
> | Phil Liu MSFT wrote:
> |
> | Running a virtual machine counts as running two copies of Windows.
> | ######
> |
> | ######
> | Carey Frisch MVP wrote:
> |
> | <quotes XP EULA>
> | ######
> |
> | ######
> | Vulcano23 wrote:
> |
> | I would agree with you if there were two installations of Windows,
> | one traditional and one for VmWare.
> |
> | However, I am using the 'Hardware profiles' feature of Windows XP to
> | run a single installation both natively and within VmWare. Single
> | device, single installation.
> |
> | Could you please point out what part of the EULA I am violating?
> | ######
> |
> | <Various posts insisting that there are *two* copies of Windows
> | running>
> |
> | ######
> | Vulcano23 wrote:
> |
> | There are NOT 2 OS's installed. Only one installation took place and
> | was on the machine itself, not within VmWare. I have then configured
> | VmWare to access the raw partition in which XP is installed and run
> | on the exact same installation.
> |
> | Please, take a look at the following webpage which describes a
> | process for doing this:
> | http://news.u32.net/articles/2006/07/18/running-vmware-on-a-physical-p
> | artition
> |
> |
> | Regarding the support price... I am not sure I would complain about
> | $249, when I call my cluster support it's $1799 a pop...
> | ######
> |
> | <More posts insisting the EULA is being violated>
> |
> | ######
> | Vulcano23 wrote:
> |
> | Nowhere in the EULA it's written that running the SAME installation
> | on the SAME machine but within a virtualization software such as
> | VmWare counts as running it on a different machine.
> |
> | Conclusion?
> |
> | WPA is poorly designed and prevents me from using a very useful
> | feature of Windows (Hardware Profiles) and poses additional
> | restrictions on Windows usage which were not specified in the EULA I
> | have accepted before install.
> | ######
> |
> `----
>  - http://forums.microsoft.com/genuine/showpost.aspx?postid=732200
> Questions:
> Is this merely a case of the XP EULA being misinterpreted?

Can it ever be properly interpreted without a legal lawyer? Compare Google's
simplified language with Microsoft twit-speak. The only worse thing is

> Do multiple hardware profiles, in a single Windows installation, all
> require separate licenses?
> Is WPA b0rked?
> Do XenSource realise what they're getting into?

VMWare came from Linux and that's where they are set to stay. The connotation
that I have makes Xen deterring. They even scooped up some Microsoft execs
and opened an Office at Redmond, right next to Microsoft.

> Looks to me like the future of Virtualisation on Windows is going to be
> expensive, rather less than attractive, filled with legal potholes, and
> rife with frustration.

Could this be intentional? Or just a case of yet another illustration of
incompetence. I still worry that Microsoft may wish to absorb XenSource,
even though Microsoft acquired a hypervisor earlier this year. They say that
when MS sets its hands on a company/software product, that's a death knell.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | while (!0==1) echo 'Bill Gates' > /dev/null
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