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[News] Microsoft's Special Talent: Spreading Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

Microsoft's Masterpiece of FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| I've been tracking the evolution of Microsoft FUD for nearly 10 years
| now, and wrote a short history of the subject a few months back.  But
| even I was impressed when I came across Microsoft's latest effort in
| this department: it's truly a masterpiece of its kind.
| [...]
| It's a white paper from IDC, "sponsored" by Microsoft, on "The Economic
| Impact of Microsoft Windows Vista".  But this is not some abstract
| ivory-tower analysis: on the contrary, it is highly targeted, and aimed
| at a very particular audience - the European Commission - that is proving
| to be annoyingly unaccommodating when it comes to letting Microsoft have
| its monopolistic way.
| [...]
| This, then, is Microsoft's FUD masterstroke: by focusing attentions
| quarely on the overall costs to society, and redefining them as
| "cascading economic benefits", it has finally managed to come up with a
| way of looking at things where free software is always inferior.


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