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[News] Microsoft 'Support' Offers Genuine Advantage? Really?

Microsoft's Genuine Advantage

,----[ Snippet ]
| A lot of managers are afraid to use Open Source Software, because it
| doesn't come with any support. Of course that isn't true. It is a classical
| piece of FUD. And then again, how much is support worth?
| [...]
| MS:   Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
| IC:   Windows displays some strange message on my screen.
| MS:   What's the message, sir.
| IC:   ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft
| Windows is Not Present
| MS:   May I have your product key, sir.
| IC:   [gives completely valid product key]
| MS:   Ok, sir. Can you please reboot your PC?
| IC:   Will that solve the problem?
| MS:   Please reboot your PC, sir.
| IC:   Ok, ok, wait a minute.
| MS:   Please call us again if you eXPerience any more problems. Have a
| nice day, sir. [click]


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