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Re: Why is Linux such a threat to the anti-Linux brigade

On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 13:05:41 -0500, Linonut wrote:

> After takin' a swig o' grog, flatfish+++ belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>> As amazing as it sounds, the REAL Linux advocates in
>> comp.os.linux.advocacy STILL haven't figure out Roy's motives here.
>> I'd suggest a little poking around in some of the other places that Roy
>> posts and it will all start to become obvious.
> I simply don't give a shit.  He can post what he wants.  If it looks
> interesting, I may read it.  I may even respond.  I don't care if he
> gets a nickel a hit.

Neither do I.
I'm just pointing it out.
I think the entire thing is hysterical.
Much like the pied piper.

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