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[News] On the Open Source and Linux Trends (Among More)

Four Sources For Trends And Ideas

,----[ Quote ]
| In their new book, Mavericks at Work: Why the Most Original Minds in 
| Business Win, authors William C. Taylor and Polly LaBarre offer some
| fascinating perspectives and case histories on the topic of open-source
| innovation. What is open-source innovation? Its central idea is that
| companies will succeed at innovation in the 21st century by attracting
| ideas from the brightest minds anywhere, not just within the organization's
| four walls. Open-source software, where thousands of programmers
| collaborate to write software that is arguably better than any one
| company could have developed on its own, is a great example of it in
| action. The most notable example of this, of course, is the Linux
| operating system.


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