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Re: [News] When the Operating System Costs More Than a Computer...

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

Haven't you ever noticed that almost all imported products have UK prices
are the same in pounds as they are US Dollars?  CD's cost £16 and are $16
in the US, the exact same TV is £499 but in the US it's $499?

For the ``exact same TV'', purchasing it in the UK would be a stupid idea as we use PAL encoding (with 625 lines) and not NTSC (with less lines).

I'm guessing this is tariff related, but every time i've ever been in the
UK, with few exceptions that rule has been the case.

I doubt it...but then again, the UK Government decided that £1.50-£2.60 for a pint of lemonade in a pub whereas cider, etc cost £2.00-£3.40 for a pint[1] was not ripping us off.[2]

[1] Actually just over a pint for the £3.40 in question (at the same establishment I paid £2.60 for a pint of syrup-soda lemonade).
[2] <rant>I can purchase lemonade at 36p for 2l (3.5 pints) in my local supermarket, cider comes in at around £1.00-£2.00 per pint. If a pub uses one of those multi-soft drink squirty fings, then they're using a syrup flavoured soda water system and the price per pint drops dramatically to very little indeed. Plus there is no tax on soft drinkies.</rant>

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