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Re: [News] Linux Conquers Mobile Sector, Access Linux Reviewed

__/ [ Ray Ingles ] on Thursday 14 September 2006 22:27 \__

> On 2006-09-13, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>| According to an industry analyst, the market for mobile Linux devices
>>| is expected to grow from a shipment of 3.5 million units in 2005 to
>>| 28.1 million by the year 2010. A lot of big players like Motorola, Palm,
>>| NEC, Freescale, Samsung and DoCoMo are placing a huge bet on the mobile
>>| Linux platform.
>  The Palm emulation for the next Linux smartphones looks *very*
> interesting. It's a quick way to get a *lot* of applications, games, and
> utilities. But unlike, say, IBM's Windows-emulation for OS/2, it doesn't
> discourage new development for the native platform - developing for
> Linux is *much* easier than developing for Palms.

When I had a glimpse at some early development (two possible meanings here),
it seemed clear that projects from, let us say freshmeat, can easily be
ported/compiled to run on the Palm. I can't wait to seeing such a wealth of
FOSS and carrying it in a small pocket.

I think that Palm is yet to surprise many of the skeptics.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "World ends in five minutes - please log out"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/4                         Fri Sep 15 11:06   still logged in   
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