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[News] Why Harvard Professors Are Wrong About Linux and Windows

Linux will never beat Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
| My immediate response is "those who do not study history are doomed to
| repeat it." I bet you could find something from the early 80's that made
| equally assertive predictions about Wang and Dec's entrenched position in
| the computer market. Heck, they owned the minicomputer field AND were
| moving into PC's. How could they fail?
| Well, they did. It may be true that the average person is too dim witted
| to know what's good for them (in any area, never mind something as techy
| as computer operating systems), but that's relatively unimportant.M
| icrosoft is besot by danger and trouble from without and within, and
| smart people are starting to understand that.
| [...]
| Microsoft's days are numbered. If they screw up with Vista, that number
| may be much smaller than anyone now thinks. Any technological problem or
| even medical scare (National Enquirer says high Ghz machines cause
| cancer!) or economic downturn could make the pricey hardware necessary
| for Vista a big problem even if Microsoft's young buck programmers don't
| trip over their shoelaces. Microsoft CAN fail, and nobody knows that
| better than Gates and Ballmer.


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