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Re: [News] Visual Studio 2005 Applications Can Run in GNU/Linux

After takin' a swig o' grog, flatfish+++ belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 19:40:20 -0700, Scott Nudds wrote:
>> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> | "[Developers] can keep programming in VB.Net, C# [and] ASP.Net from
>>> | Visual Studio and create applications which will run cross-platform on
>>> | Linux, and we do that by using the open source .Net Framework," which
>>> | is Mono, said Yaacov Cohen, president and CEO of Mainsoft.
>> Of course this tool wouldn't be needed if Unix development tools were up to
>> snuff.
>> Linux development tools are stuck back in the 1950's.

Take a gander at Anjuta or KDevelop, then.

> Isn't it amazing how the LIEnix community speaks with forked tongue?
> On the one hand they criticize everything MS does, but yet when some geek
> figures out how to make the MS programs run under LIEnix it's a big deal.
> Total hypocrisy.....

Or how about Eclipse?

Say, why do you periodically grow a wild hair up your ass and spout
nonsense?  You seem to be thoughtful at other times.

   Rejuvenate your hardware with GNU/Linux!

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