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CSPP Stats: 30/08/2006-14/09/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of roughly 15 days

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "CSPP Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "CSPP Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 226 messages written between 2006-08-30 03:37:28 and
2006-09-14 19:08:10

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Ivan Skivar <iskivar@xxxxxxx>                                 3  75.32%
   2. Ben Thomas <no.sp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              4  69.74%
   3. Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                                         5  66.43%
   4. Guy Bannis <guy@xxxxxxxxx>                                    9  63.79%
   5. Shawn Hirn <srhi@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 6  62.11%
   6. rich@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                             5  60.47%
   7. Doug Herr <nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            4  55.72%
   8. dvdgmlwsk@xxxxxxxxx                                           4  53.14%
   9. Douglas C. Neidermeyer <doug@xxxxxxxxx>                       3  52.81%
  10. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                     10  49.58%
  11. DervMan <thedervman@xxxxxxxxx>                               11  49.55%
  12. Harlan Lachman <hlachman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  3  47.29%
  13. Laurent Bugnion <galasoft-lb@xxxxxxxxxx>                      3  44.59%
  14. Harold Fuchs <me@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 4  42.12%
  15. David Tiktin <dtiktin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               3  40.84%

A total of 183827 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 72442,
or 39.41%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. DervMan <thedervman@xxxxxxxxx>                       11    13333  49.5%
   2. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                             10     7509  49.6%
   3. Guy Bannis <guy@xxxxxxxxx>                            9     8563  63.8%
   4. Shawn Hirn <srhi@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         6     6197  62.1%
   5. rich@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                     5     6235  60.5%
      zoara <me3@xxxxxxxxxxx>                               5     5853  25.3%
      Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                                 5     3866  66.4%
   8. MingLoo <MingLoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     4     4036  33.7%
      dvdgmlwsk@xxxxxxxxx                                   4     3570  53.1%
      Doug Herr <nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    4     2735  55.7%
      Ben Thomas <no.sp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      4     2267  69.7%
      Paul Nevai <nevai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                4     2230  23.0%
      Harold Fuchs <me@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         4     2132  42.1%
      Gil Baron <w0mn00@xxxxxxxxx>                          4     1534  29.5%
  15. Ernie W <ErnieW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   3     5233  34.2%

A total of 117 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Ernie W <ErnieW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          3443 /    3 =  1147  34.2%
   2. zoara <me3@xxxxxxxxxxx>                      4371 /    5 =   874  25.3%
   3. MingLoo <MingLoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            2677 /    4 =   669  33.7%
   4. DervMan <thedervman@xxxxxxxxx>               6727 /   11 =   611  49.5%
   5. Laurent Bugnion <galasoft-lb@xxxxxxxxxx>     1700 /    3 =   566  44.6%
   6. David Tiktin <dtiktin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  1576 /    3 =   525  40.8%
   7. Harlan Lachman <hlachman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  1525 /    3 =   508  47.3%
   8. rich@xxxxxxxxxxxx                            2465 /    5 =   493  60.5%
   9. Steve L <slockeREMOOVEME@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    1452 /    3 =   484  16.6%
  10. Paul Nevai <nevai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1716 /    4 =   429  23.0%
  11. dvdgmlwsk@xxxxxxxxx                          1673 /    4 =   418  53.1%
  12. Shawn Hirn <srhi@xxxxxxxxxxx>                2348 /    6 =   391  62.1%
  13. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                     3786 /   10 =   378  49.6%
  14. Hibes <peterclones@xxxxxxxxx>                1115 /    3 =   371  31.5%
  15. Guy Bannis <guy@xxxxxxxxx>                   3101 /    9 =   344  63.8%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Best Palm?                                                   18   14870
   2. Word processing software for Palm TX                         15   14865
   3. Question About Palm T!X and battery life for backpacking     12   14899
      WiFi Encryption and TX                                       12    9784
   5. TomTom on Chips Review?                                       8    5273
      Internet Radio Test                                           8    4894
      DVD to Palm - free software                                   8    2956
   8. Best plain vanilla Palm?                                      7   10500
      Palm Desktop 4.2.1, Mac OS 9.2.2, & AvantGo 4.0               7    7005
      Treo 650 not compatible with "emerging European phone sta     7    5654
      Best Case for a TX                                            7    5073
      "Interesting" Information for Palm m515                       7    4202
  13. T3/bluetooth phone vs Treo                                    6    5996
      Good case for a LifeDrive?                                    6    2405
  15. Something's corrupted? Can't overwrite files, etc             5    5801

A total of 61 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. G2                                     58
       0.2:39 1.0:19
   2. Microsoft Outlook Express              46
       6.00.2800.1437:1 6.00.2800.1807:2 6.00.2900.2869:43
   3. MT-NewsWatcher                         27
       3.1:1 3.4:13 3.5.1:7 3.5.2:6
   4. Forte Agent                            11
       1.92/32.572:1 3.3/32.846:4 4.0/32.1071:4 4.0/32.1076:1 4.0/32.1078:1
   5. Thunderbird                    10
   6. Xnews                                   9
       2006.03.14:7 5.04.25:2
   7. Pan                                     8
   8. 40tude_Dialog                           6
      slrn                                    6
  10. New Yanoff/3.2                          5
      Unison                                  5
       1.7.6:1 1.7.7:4
  12. Thunderbird                     4
      KNode                                   4
       0.10.2:2 0.7.2:2
      trn 4.0-test72                          4
  15. MicroPlanet-Gravity                     2
       2.60.2060:1 2.70.2067:1

A total of 25 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       20 **************************
Tuesday      26 **********************************
Wednesday    40 *****************************************************
Thursday     34 *********************************************
Friday       28 *************************************
Saturday     45 ************************************************************
Sunday       33 ********************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     7 **********************
0100-0159     9 ****************************
0200-0259     5 ***************
0300-0359     6 ******************
0400-0459     5 ***************
0500-0559     6 ******************
0600-0659     5 ***************
0700-0759     9 ****************************
0800-0859     9 ****************************
0900-0959    13 *****************************************
1000-1059     5 ***************
1100-1159    11 **********************************
1200-1259    11 **********************************
1300-1359     9 ****************************
1400-1459     6 ******************
1500-1559     9 ****************************
1600-1659    17 *****************************************************
1700-1759    19 ************************************************************
1800-1859    19 ************************************************************
1900-1959    10 *******************************
2000-2059     5 ***************
2100-2159    10 *******************************
2200-2259    11 **********************************
2300-2359    10 *******************************


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