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[News] Novell's Migrations from Netware to Linux

One more reason why Novell shouldn't forget its legacy products

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, Novell wants you to move your GroupWise from NetWare to Linux, so it 
| is "...developing the GroupWise Server Migration Utility. The utility
| will transfer GroupWise agents, domains, post offices and data from a
| NetWare server to a Linux server."
| Why would you want to do this? According to the link above, "From low
| cost, Intel-based hardware and consolidation opportunities to a wealth
| of open source software and freedom from vendor lock-in, the benefits
| of Linux are significant." But NetWare runs on "low cost, Intel-based
| hardware," doesn't it? And it doesn't "lock you in" to Novell any more
| than SuSE does, right? But the company really does want you to give up
| that NetWare platform - and sooner rather than later. Unfortunately,
| that NetWare platform (and Open Enterprise Server) continue to generate
| more revenue for Novell than SuSE does and that's not consistent with how
| the company wishes to be perceived.


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