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Re: [News] Vendors Don't Open-Source Drivers Due to Security, Not Competition

On or about 2006-09-13 Wednesday 17:55, I did witness the following events
concerning Roy Schestowitz:

> Why Some Vendors Refuse to Open Source Drivers
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | "It's not an issue of revealing cool high end features
> | to the competition that is keeping them from releasing the
> | high-performance 3D drivers into the kernel. It's that the drivers will
> | reveal flaws in the hardware that could be used against them by their
> | competitors. According to him, all graphics chipset have flaws in them,
> | that it's inevitable given the complexity of the silicon. The vendors
> | code work-arounds in the drivers. By open sourcing the driver, they
> | would reveal their flaws to the other guys, and they could use it as
> | negative marketing ammo. On the other hand, he was not antagonistic to
> | the idea of open sourcing his Linux drivers, he just needs to have a
> | better grasp of what the upside would be for him to doing it," said
> | James.
> `----
> http://www.linuxelectrons.com/News/Linux/20060108163615614

What a load... I don't buy graphics cards because of what some marketing
worm claims, I buy them based on their abilities and my needs; whichever
fits the bill is the one that gets used. Generally I use NVidia, but not
just because their OpenGL support rocks. I use NVidia because their cards
are generally faster and run cooler and are less stressful on my wallet.
That last reason is a bonus, I don't rate the price of the card as an
indicator of its ability to do what I want it to do. Most things I want out
of a graphics card I can do with a Voodoo II (of which I have three
specimens). I generally use a higher end card like a GeForce 6200V+ or a
FX5600 because they're faster; that's about it.

I hereby testify that the above statement is an accurate recollection of the
events mentioned therein.
Registered Linux user #426308 -*- http://counter.li.org

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