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Re: LONG [News Digest] of news articles for the 24hrs preceeding 13-09-06

  • Subject: Re: LONG [News Digest] of news articles for the 24hrs preceeding 13-09-06
  • From: yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx)
  • Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:54:55 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • References: <8clkt3-bvp.ln1@ellandroad.demon.co.uk> <97TNg.7391$LX4.6794@fe15.usenetserver.com> <pan.2006.> <TyTNg.3369$3q4.675@fe57.usenetserver.com> <pan.2006.> <2bflt3-dc5.ln1@news.smilfinken.net> <1462386.P018W77HJ8@schestowitz.com> <dwUNg.2651$pk4.406@fe37.usenetserver.com> <2UUNg.309$Gd2.211@newsfe12.lga> <m1VNg.34$1T.9@fe62.usenetserver.com> <13341226.XMQDmPNM6K@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: tin/1.8.2-20060425 ("Shillay") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/6.1-RELEASE (i386))
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1154033
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> __/ [ yttrx ] on Wednesday 13 September 2006 15:59 \__
>> flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 14:24:09 +0000, yttrx wrote:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> __/ [ Johan Lindquist ] on Wednesday 13 September 2006 14:57 \__
>>>>>> So anyway, it was like, 15:33 CEST Sep 13 2006, you know? Oh, and,
>>>>>> yeah, Kier was all like, "Dude,
>>>>>>> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 13:18:43 +0000, yttrx wrote:
>>>>>>>> [b0rk!]
>>>>>> [..]
>>>>>>> Maybe you should just deploy your killfile, and save your blood
>>>>>>> pressure.
>>>>>> No, no, you've got yttrx figured all wrong. Posting his venom to
>>>>>> usenet /is/ what is saving his blood pressure.
>>>>>> I bet he's cuddly as a little care bear in real life, at least when
>>>>>> dealing with actual people that might have some way of affecting his
>>>>>> life. Well, okay. Maybe all those tattoos and/or piercings he's sure
>>>>>> to be sporting detracts alittle from the image, but still.
>>>>> Most people I know who have tattoos and/or piercing are actually quite
>>>>> polite and pleasant to speak to. It's the image they project that's
>>>>> differnet. Here's one example: http://www.tamba2.org.uk/T2/
>>>>> The strong launguage can easily be voiced (mentally) wrongly over UseNet
>>>>> (textual), which is a peril to hardcore personas.
>>>> Actually the fact is, I'm just exactly like this in real life too. 
>>>> Except in real life, I'm constantly wearing a warm, welcoming grin.
>> Why not?
>> We're not all pathetic aging homophobes who drive everyone important to us
>> away.
> Gary's homophobia is, if anything, an implication of real fear (not just some
> phobia). This fear generalises. I have read about his fascination with a guy
> called Terry Porter, but I wasn't around COLA to witness that.

I remember that.  Flatfish must be on some kind of medication these days I 
think, he's a lot less psychotic and bizarre than he used to be.  Now he's 
just mean.



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