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Re: [News] ...And They Say Anti-Virus Software is Harmless

Roy Schestowitz :
> __/ [ Peter Köhlmann ] on Tuesday 12 September 2006 10:04 \__
> Firewall, much like viruses, are needed when the underlying system is flawed.
> Brute force attacks to gain control, for example, are easily circumvented
> when good password, as well as good encryption, is employed. See how well a
> Linux server without a firewall set up can cope. DDOS attacks remain a
> concern, but at least they aren't 'zombified'.

When I first started reading this post (and the snipped quotes) I was
thinking "Linux doesn't need a firewall, just dont have services
listening if you dont want connections". Then you said "zombified", ah,
not Linux.

<offtopicish anecdote>

I had a desktop machine come through my shop for software repair about
two years ago. Someone had set up a web server as a service on it and
was running a porn site without the owners knowledge. I opened a browser
and called my boss over, because as a Linux user I found it a bit funny
that this machine had been so completely pwned. At this time my boss was
an MSCE who basically played video games all day and talked to clients
ocassionally. I typed in the browser address bar '' and
hit enter. My boss had a confused look on his face and said "How did you
get to a porn site?". I replied "It's running on his machine, it's the
loopback address". He then said "That's not possible, you DO know what
the loopback is, right?".
</offtopicish anecdote />

My jaw dropped.I work freelance now. Heh. That was a bit offtopice but
the story makes me smile for some reason.

> People use the Internet for sex and sex sites use Windows flaws to infect
> people's machine and spread the disease. Had the system been properly
> modeled, all of this wouldn't happen and people would not need 'condoms'
> (firewall, AV software, UAC, annoying prompts, etc).

I would have agreed with this 18 months ago. The CWS strain of trojans
have proliferated beyond porn sites. My wife and I were surfing the net
looking for Lego sites, and one listed on the second page of the google
search whapped her machine. It took two hours to clean the software
before we could resume shopping for my sons birthday.

Now THAT was irritating! Next time the Windows box gets hosed I'm
turning it into a PVR.



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