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[News] Rank Your Distribution to Gauge User Satisfaction

Top 10 Distributions

,----[ Quote ]
|         Distro                        Vote(%)
| 1.    CentOS                  77.48
| 2.    Debian GNU/Linux        70.19
| 3.    Slackware               69.49
| 4.    Ubuntu                  68.88
| 5.    cdlinux.pl              68.8
| 6.    Fedora                  67.8
| 7.    StartCom Linux          66.66
| 8.    Elive                   65.85
| 9.    GeeXboX                 64.4
| 10.   KateOS                  62.26


Site first seen by Netcraft in June 2006. Not sure they have a large enough
sample and means of preventing abuse. Take a buckerfull of salt before
reading the method and judging the figures.

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