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Re: Will the visionaries statements be realized?

On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:27:41 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:

> Panties in a twist because you never got a mention Roy'n'Mark?
> That's because you never actually say anything and just parrot other
> peoples posts and articles and then respin them here.
> You also might have missed the other quotes from other posters.
> But then the Son Of Rex would be a litte more defensive I suspect.

That's it for sure.
Roy's narcissistic persona will not allow him to be left out.

Notice how he follows up minor posts with things like:

"That reminds me of....."

Roy has to have the last word in a thread or it bothers him.

Mark Kent is nothing more than an empty suit shilling for Roy. 

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