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[News] The Quieter Migrations to Linux

Handover Phist proves that not all migrations to Linux are openly heralded.
But it's happening under our noses all the time, my department included.

,----[ Quote ]
| I've made contact with an international company that wants to switch
| its entire operation from strictly Windows to Linux. As much Linux as
| possible and still make everything run. They're sick of counting seats,
| and reboots of servers every other week (it's a ritual there!), and users
| having the ability to play solitair on company time. It's just too hard
| to lock down and too expensive once you start counting costs for AV
| software and antspyware and and and...


,----[ Quote ]
| I've made some neat advances as far as machine utilisation goes. For
| my clients, that is. Most are dual booting Windows and Linux now, to make
| it easier to fix when Windows goes kablooie, or as a way to keep Windows
| from going kablooie, by using Linux only. Very few people have problems 
| with this sort of thing anymore, and many offices are seriously looking at
| Linux as a desktop replacement in the office. And you thought Linux was
| just for servers!


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