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[News] HD Moore on Microsoft Exploits

Getting Inside the Mind of HD Moore

,----[ Quote ]
| HD Moore has a matter-of-fact way of talking that belies his uncanny
| ability to draw the public eye. In just the past month, the 25-year-old
| Texan, who started the open source Latest News about open source
| Metasploit Project in 2003, made headlines for promising to release a new
| bug for the Internet Explorer Web browser each day in July.
| [...]
| Q: In recent months, we've seen a number of undiscovered (zero day)
| exploits for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. What are your thoughts on
| that trend?
| A: There's definitely a trend toward releasing zero-days. I know of five
| or six zero-day exploits that are being privately traded right now. These
| are cases where the vendor is not being told on purpose.


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