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Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 25 Sep 2006

  • Subject: Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 25 Sep 2006
  • From: Black Dragon <stats.cola@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 23:11:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Expires: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 23:11:17 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Black Dragon Heavy Industries
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1159873

o  This automated posting occurs weekly on Monday.

o  The subject line will be formatted consistently, as follows:
   "Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 01 Jan 1970"
   Substituting the date the statistics were generated.
   Add it to your kill file if you are not interested.

o  Following are two summaries spanning 7 days and 30 days 

o  Times are EST.

o  An archive of summaries is available at:

Summary of articles spanning a 7 day period.

                Analysis of posts to comp.os.linux.advocacy
               (stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 3,680 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Sep 17 23:10:04 2006
Latest article:   Sun Sep 24 23:05:11 2006
Original articles: 379, replies: 3,301
Total size of posts: 10,298,420 bytes (10,057K) (9.82M)
Average 525 articles per day, 1.40 MB per day, 2,798 bytes per article
Total headers: 4,662 KB  bodies: 5,394 KB
Body text - quoted: 2,518 KB,  original: 2,165 KB = 46.24%, sigs: 697 KB
Total number of posters: 198, average 52,012 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 529, average 19,467 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 42

                    Top 20 posters by number of articles
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    441
 2: "Scott Nudds" <nospam@xxxxxxx>................................. :    341
 3: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>......................... :    212
 4: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    138
 5: flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :    133
 6: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :    118
 7: Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......... :     99
 8: spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :     90
 9: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     89
10: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :     84
11: ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>............................................ :     76
12: thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :     74
13: yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx)........................................ :     71
14: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :     68
15: chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. :     62
16: JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :     62
17: "Mike" <no@xxxxxxxxx>.......................................... :     60
18: B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :     59
19: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :     55
20: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... :     54

                  Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :   1059
 2: "Scott Nudds" <nospam@xxxxxxx>................................. :    888
 3: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>......................... :    658
 4: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    551
 5: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :    469
 6: flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :    309
 7: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :    288
 8: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... :    273
 9: spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :    252
10: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :    244
11: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :    236
12: Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......... :    190
13: ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>............................................ :    178
14: JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :    175
15: thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :    169
16: yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx)........................................ :    164
17: "Larry Qualig" <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>............................. :    164
18: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... :    146
19: "Oliver Wong" <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :    144
20: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :    137

               Top 20 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
 1: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 79.16%
 2: JDS <jeffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 72.74%
 3: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 69.58%
 4: thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 67.19%
 5: "Scott Nudds" <nospam@xxxxxxx>................................. : 67.01%
 6: Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 66.16%
 7: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 66.15%
 8: Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>........................... : 65.64%
 9: Robert Newson <ReapNewsB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................. : 63.05%
10: h41ry_p0073r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 62.05%
11: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... : 61.38%
12: "Dave Barry" <dave@xxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 61.37%
13: JDS <jeffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 60.53%
14: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>...................... : 60.21%
15: B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 59.83%
16: rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Culley)................................. : 59.73%
17: "Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz" <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 59.08%
18: p1mp_ju1c3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 58.93%
19: Pravda <pravda@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 58.87%
20: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 58.46%

             Bottom 20 responders by original text  (> 5 posts)
 1: rfischer@xxxxxxxxx (Ray Fischer)............................... : 9.65%
 2: Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>.................................... : 10.53%
 3: Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 13.24%
 4: bugbuster <bugbuster@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 14.02%
 5: TheLetterK <none@xxxxxxxx>..................................... : 14.58%
 6: "jbeck" <jNOSPAMbeck@xxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 16.45%
 7: "chrisv" <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 16.47%
 8: Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>......................................... : 16.57%
 9: "Aquila Deus" <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 17.45%
10: Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 18.74%
11: "cc" <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................... : 18.80%
12: Bobbie <bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx>............................. : 22.50%
13: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 23.07%
14: Stephen Fairchild <somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>..................... : 23.55%
15: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 24.47%
16: "relic" <spamcop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................. : 25.89%
17: "Phil Da Lick!" <phil_the_lick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.. : 26.74%
18: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................. : 28.16%
19: ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>........................................... : 28.44%
20: JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 28.64%

                     Top 20 threads by no. of articles
 1: The proper use of Linux........................................ :    154
 2: Why Linux is such a shit OS.................................... :    137
 3: Linux/Unix - The Perpetual Failure............................. :    117
 4: How to make Linux totally crazy................................ :    116
 5: The Fallacy of Comparing Iraq to World War II.................. :    110
 6: Challenge : Advocacy........................................... :    100
 7: Global Warming and FUD (OT?)................................... :     84
 8: [comp.os.linux.advocacy] FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III.. :     74
 9: My first killfile entry........................................ :     73
10: [News] Microsoft 'Fights' Piracy............................... :     72
11: SuSE 9.1 lifetime patch statistics............................. :     70
12: (OS) The thing I *hate* most about Microsoft Windows........... :     56
13: HW support made easy, the Windows way ......................... :     56
14: WTF is Roy?.................................................... :     50
15: cola "advocate" speaks: Vista requires 10x to 20x times Linux s :     47
16: [News] Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?............ :     43
17: [News] China Produces $125 Linux PC............................ :     40
18: Linux on Oracle?............................................... :     40
19: Scribus for Professional Publishing Under Linux................ :     38
20: Why Linux is such a shit-hot OS................................ :     38

                        Top 20 threads by size in KB
 1: [comp.os.linux.advocacy] FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III.. :    424
 2: Why Linux is such a shit OS.................................... :    402
 3: The Fallacy of Comparing Iraq to World War II.................. :    401
 4: Linux/Unix - The Perpetual Failure............................. :    361
 5: The proper use of Linux........................................ :    329
 6: Challenge : Advocacy........................................... :    296
 7: Global Warming and FUD (OT?)................................... :    284
 8: How to make Linux totally crazy................................ :    224
 9: [News] Microsoft 'Fights' Piracy............................... :    204
10: HW support made easy, the Windows way ......................... :    189
11: SuSE 9.1 lifetime patch statistics............................. :    167
12: My first killfile entry........................................ :    162
13: (OS) The thing I *hate* most about Microsoft Windows........... :    136
14: WTF is Roy?.................................................... :    126
15: [News] Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?............ :    124
16: Microsoft Slitting their own Throats?.......................... :    122
17: cola "advocate" speaks: Vista requires 10x to 20x times Linux s :    109
18: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 2 :    102
19: [News] China Produces $125 Linux PC............................ :     94
20: Why Linux is such a shit-hot OS................................ :     93

                         Top 20 cross-posted groups
 1: comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy.................................... :    218
 2: alt.os.windows-xp.............................................. :    114
 3: alt.abortion................................................... :    108
 4: talk.politics.guns............................................. :    108
 5: us.military.army............................................... :    108
 6: alt.world...................................................... :     91
 7: alt.politics.usa.republican.................................... :     91
 8: alt.politics.libertarian....................................... :     90
 9: comp.sys.mac.advocacy.......................................... :     73
10: alt.tv.lost.................................................... :     72
11: comp.os.linux.misc............................................. :     39
12: alt.windows-xp................................................. :     32
13: 24hoursupport.helpdesk......................................... :     22
14: alt.true-crime................................................. :     13
15: alt.battlestar-galactica....................................... :     13
16: rec.sport.pro-wrestling........................................ :     13
17: comp.sys.os.mac.advocacy....................................... :     12
18: alt.computer.consultants....................................... :      9
19: comp.os.ms-dimdows.avocado..................................... :      9
20: alt.internet.search-engines.................................... :      5

                        Top 20 User Agents by poster
 1: G2............................................................. :     33
 2: Pan............................................................ :     23
 3: KNode.......................................................... :     19
 4: Outlook Express................................................ :     19
 5: slrn........................................................... :     17
 6: tin............................................................ :     15
 7: Mozilla........................................................ :     10
 8: Thunderbird (Windows................................... :     10
 9: Unknown........................................................ :      9
10: Forte Agent.................................................... :      8
11: Xnews.......................................................... :      5
12: Thunderbird (X11....................................... :      3
13: Thunderbird (X11....................................... :      3
14: Gnus........................................................... :      2
15: 40tude_Dialog.................................................. :      2
16: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.5600.16384.......................... :      2
17: MT-NewsWatcher................................................. :      2
18: Unison......................................................... :      2
19: MacSOUP........................................................ :      1
20: knews 1.0b.1................................................... :      1

                   Top 20 User Agents by number of posts
 1: KNode..................................................... :   872 (24%)
 2: slrn...................................................... :   540 (15%)
 3: Outlook Express........................................... :   500 (14%)
 4: tin....................................................... :   280 ( 8%)
 5: G2........................................................ :   234 ( 6%)
 6: Gnus...................................................... :   213 ( 6%)
 7: Pan....................................................... :   196 ( 5%)
 8: Shysterwitch version :   129 ( 4%)
 9: Mozilla................................................... :    99 ( 3%)
10: 40tude_Dialog............................................. :    90 ( 2%)
11: Sylpheed.................................................. :    76 ( 2%)
12: Forte Agent............................................... :    73 ( 2%)
13: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.5600.16384..................... :    63 ( 2%)
14: Thunderbird (X11.................................. :    56 ( 2%)
15: knews 1.0b.1.............................................. :    47 ( 1%)
16: Thunderbird (Windows.............................. :    36 ( 1%)
17: unknown................................................... :    36 ( 1%)
18: trn 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001).............................. :    30 ( 1%)
19: MT-NewsWatcher............................................ :    29 ( 1%)
20: Xnews..................................................... :    26 ( 1%)

                             Top 10 time zones
 1: UTC............................................................ :    872
 2: +0100.......................................................... :    741
 3: -0700.......................................................... :    677
 4: +0200.......................................................... :    418
 5: -0400.......................................................... :    400
 6: -0500.......................................................... :    367
 7: +1200.......................................................... :    101
 8: -0600.......................................................... :     59
 9: +1000.......................................................... :     26
10: +0900.......................................................... :      8


Summary of articles spanning a 30 day period.

Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 15050 messages written between 08/25/06 00:00:02 and 09/25/06 09:39:11

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Paul-Wilhelm Hermsen <pwhermsen@xxxxxx>                       7  94.80%
   2. Scout <4guns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>              4  94.54%
   3. Ray Fischer <rfischer@xxxxxxxxx>                             30  88.64%
   4. Barry OGrady <god_free_jones@xxxxxxxxx>                       4  88.50%
   5. Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>                                  22  87.64%
   6. Mike H <inkblotblasphemy@xxxxxxxxx>                           3  86.27%
   7. Steven de Mena <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        3  84.84%
   8. Defendario <Defendario@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                          3  84.68%
   9. relic <mailbounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          16  84.63%
  10. markzoom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                      163  84.33%
  11. <bughumper.dustin@xxxxxxxxx> <bughumper.dustin@xxxxxxxxx>     6  84.28%
  12. Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              227  83.93%
  13. jbeck <jNOSPAMbeck@xxxxxxxxxx>                               17  83.64%
  14. Rhonda Lea Kirk <rhondalea@xxxxxxxxx>                         3  83.43%
  15. OLDDINO <Vince.Porch@xxxxxxxxxxx>                             5  83.31%
  16. OK <otto@xxxxxxxxx>                                          12  82.77%
  17. Snit <SNIT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              9  82.69%
  18. yowie <youre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           5  82.68%
  19. Lars Träger <Lars.Traeger@xxxxxxxx>                          18  82.32%
  20. Ram <Ram0na@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                      6  81.76%
  21. Lenny <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                                   8  81.67%
  22. Julie <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                    5  81.19%
  23. Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        38  79.82%
  24. Cameltoe Johnson <Cam@xxxxxxx>                                3  79.56%
  25. unionpenny@xxxxxxxxx                                          4  79.28%
  26. Aquila Deus <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>                          63  79.27%
  27. Damian <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 6  78.41%
  28. Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   10  78.28%
  29. Duane Arnold <"Do forget about it"@PleaeDo.BET>               8  77.94%
  30. Tom Shelton <tom@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                17  76.86%
  31. Amanda <amanda772008@xxxxxxxxx>                               4  76.86%
  32. Philip <philip@xxxxxx>                                        6  76.79%
  33. GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                174  76.62%
  34. Michelle Ronn <micron@xxxxxxxxxxx>                            3  76.26%
  35. TheLetterK <none@xxxxxxxx>                                   24  76.09%
  36. alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                  64  75.68%
  37. George Graves <gmgraves@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          7  75.64%
  38. Timberwoof <timberwoof.spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  3  75.64%
  39. Chirag Shukla <chiragshuklaindia@xxxxxxxxx>                   4  75.07%
  40. Hadron Quark <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxx>                        911  75.00%
  41. cc <ruwray@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                      42  74.92%
  42. Otto Bahn <Mark_As_Unread@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       56  74.84%
  43. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 400  74.81%
  44. Chuck Whealton <chuck_whealton@xxxxxxxxx>                     4  74.63%
  45. Freeride <freeride@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            12  74.32%
  46. Alan Truism <alan.truism@xxxxxxxxx>                           7  74.18%
  47. barbara@xxxxxxxxxxx                                          57  73.88%
  48. Sandman <mr@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                      9  73.58%
  49. Dangling Gubbo <root@xxxxxxxxxx>                             23  73.10%
  50. bugbuster <bugbuster@xxxxxxxxxxx>                            17  72.95%

A total of 20762006 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 11881274, or 57.23%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1895  2252444   6.2%
   2. Hadron Quark <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxx>                911  1605258  21.5%
   3. flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                762   805016   4.6%
   4. Scott Nudds <Nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                    716   747703  34.2%
   5. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                   541  1942081  15.4%
   6. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                          513   441284  51.4%
   7. DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx>                               491   474801  59.3%
   8. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         400   553488  74.8%
   9. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  371   884144   2.2%
  10. Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>        315   410706  61.7%
  11. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                             305   353936  67.3%
  12. spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                283   353615  61.2%
  13. thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                    234   278974  28.3%
  14. Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      227   440135  83.9%
  15. ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 219   234394  50.0%
  16. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       211   302753  53.1%
  17. Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      194   269275  56.8%
  18. Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 187   311314  52.3%
  19. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                              183   236150  39.0%
  20. GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        174   286170  76.6%
  21. billwg <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                171   253716  49.4%
  22. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      167    83840  64.5%
  23. markzoom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                              163   393491  84.3%
  24. Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  153   277048  42.4%
  25. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>           146   109386  44.1%
  26. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         143   192893  26.0%
  27. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          141   180850  63.2%
  28. Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         138    94356  36.5%
  29. Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  131   108207  63.9%
  30. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                 123   553637  22.8%
  31. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  114   144040  63.7%
  32. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       107    99614  41.2%
  33. Peter Hayes <not_in_use@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             102   113369  67.7%
  34. Mike <no@xxxxxxxxx>                                  97    62766  60.7%
  35. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       85   160936  49.9%
  36. casioculture@xxxxxxxxx                               84    69398  65.0%
  37. Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>                  81   126029  57.4%
  38. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>          80   100159  63.2%
  39. High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    78   143579  71.3%
  40. Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        78    83757  63.0%
  41. Larry Qualig <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>                     74   139198  62.2%
  42. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                      73    46287  45.2%
  43. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       72   155448  21.9%
  44. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>                          71   150402  42.4%
  45. Kevin S. Wilson <rescyou@xxxxxxxx>                   70    82096  47.3%
  46. Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            67   104271  47.1%
  47. Bobbie <bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx>                   66    84322  56.5%
  48. alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                          64    65218  75.7%
  49. Aquila Deus <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>                  63    47830  79.3%
  50. Andrea <nospam@xxxxxxxxx>                            60    46662  59.7%

A total of 503 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>        427558 /  123 =  3476  22.8%
   2. Balwinder S \"bsd\" Dheeman <bsd.SANSPAM@ct 16595 /    5 =  3319   7.7%
   3. Black Dragon <bd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            47760 /   16 =  2985  12.5%
   4. secretary@xxxxxxxx                          10340 /    4 =  2585    N/A
   5. Christian <cb3676@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           6525 /    3 =  2175  33.3%
   6. Terri <Terri@xxxxxxxxxx>                     6260 /    3 =  2086   8.5%
   7. Aragorn <stryder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           26545 /   13 =  2041  31.7%
   8. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>        96317 /   48 =  2006  32.8%
   9. Sam <sam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    19201 /   10 =  1920  35.6%
  10. timjowers@xxxxxxxxx                          5523 /    3 =  1841  49.8%
  11. JPB <news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               18380 /   10 =  1838  30.0%
  12. Anal Honor <9mdw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             5229 /    3 =  1743    N/A
  13. Mark Conrad <jumpingjack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  5139 /    3 =  1713  17.5%
  14. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             121430 /   72 =  1686  21.9%
  15. news.cogeco.ca <BushIsATraitor@xxxxxxxxxxx> 79932 /   52 =  1537  15.1%
  16. vatbier@xxxxxxxxx                            4399 /    3 =  1466  12.1%
  17. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>          784571 /  541 =  1450  15.4%
  18. fakir005 <fakir005@xxxxxxxxxxx>              3995 /    3 =  1331   7.1%
  19. h41ry_p0073r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         8939 /    7 =  1277  30.5%
  20. SOG-1982 <sog82@xxxxxxxx>                    3716 /    3 =  1238  34.7%
  21. Alan Connor <i3x9mdw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        13522 /   11 =  1229  31.8%
  22. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>                 86597 /   71 =  1219  42.4%
  23. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /  371 =  1173   2.2%
  24. n1g3r14n_pr1nc3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      3409 /    3 =  1136   9.8%
  25. Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 42704 /   39 =  1094  36.7%
  26. Floyd L. Davidson <floyd@xxxxxxxxxx>        21663 /   20 =  1083  47.2%
  27. David L. Johnson <david.johnson@xxxxxxxxxx>  7416 /    7 =  1059  30.6%
  28. Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         159631 /  153 =  1043  42.4%
  29. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>142700 /  143 =   997  26.0%
  30. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>              80609 /   85 =   948  49.9%
  31. p1mp_ju1c3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           8483 /    9 =   942  25.8%
  32. George Peatty <pttyg47-1230@xxxxxxxxxx>      7527 /    8 =   940  33.6%
  33. Jim Austin <bja@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>               7132 /    8 =   891  54.2%
  34. ch1cke3n_ju1c3r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      2654 /    3 =   884  15.7%
  35. thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           200073 /  234 =   855  28.3%
  36. Edwards <edwards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  5048 /    6 =   841  53.3%
  37. donal.k.fellows@xxxxxxxxx                    2505 /    3 =   835  28.0%
  38. Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   55143 /   67 =   823  47.1%
  39. ch1n0_c0ch1n0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        2443 /    3 =   814  50.4%
  40. Mads Skjern <rorpinden@xxxxxxxx>             3247 /    4 =   811  45.4%
  41. Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        148426 /  187 =   793  52.3%
  42. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                     144063 /  183 =   787  39.0%
  43. a1b3r7a_lady@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         9293 /   12 =   774  26.0%
  44. rapskat <rapskat@xxxxxxxxx>                  3844 /    5 =   768  42.6%
  45. Martha Adams <mhada@xxxxxxxxxxx>             4595 /    6 =   765  49.4%
  46. Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 34429 /   45 =   765  33.6%
  47. Bob <bob@xxxxxxx>                            6090 /    8 =   761  62.9%
  48. Chirag Shukla <chiragshuklaindia@xxxxxxxxx>  3042 /    4 =   760  75.1%
  49. [censored] <manyrumours@xxxxxxxxx>          13642 /   18 =   757  62.9%
  50. billwg <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       128497 /  171 =   751  49.4%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Bad drivers                                                 497  440845
   2. Will Linux Be Fully-Absorbed Through Change?                193  387752
   3. WINE: 13 years in development, still not recommended for    184  273109
   4. Linux Dealt a DEATH BLOW by Apple !!!!!!!                   169  229177
   5. Hey DFS...Ask Kohlmann to explain this one (was fonts...)   165  197012
   6. The proper use of Linux                                     154  120083
   7. Why Linux is such a shit OS.                                137  214110
   8. [comp.os.linux.advocacy] FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition   128  355007
   9. Successful trolls.                                          127  183950
  10. How to make Linux totally crazy                             121   99600
  11. [News] China Produces $125 Linux PC                         121   89505
  12. cola "advocate" speaks: Vista requires 10x to 20x times L   118  125612
  13. Linux/Unix - The Perpetual Failure...                       117  221345
  14. Frustrated Wanna-be Linux Guy, Need General Advice          114  233489
  15. The Fallacy of Comparing Iraq to World War II               113  263028
  16. Is SuSe ready for me yet?                                   105  110835
  17. Anyone tried the BSDs?                                      105   84551
  18. I never thought i'd say this...                             103  135631
  19. Challenge : Advocacy                                        100  175225
  20. DFS owned by viruses and spyware?                            95   90937
  21. Amarok: More Linux Slopware :(                               95   73322
  22. Why I left Linux for Windows.                                93  148027
  23. HW support made easy, the Windows way ...                    87  171489
  24. Will Ubuntu Kill Windows?                                    87   96982
  25. 2006: Linux still can't render fonts worth a hoot            87   90420
  26. help needed : /home partition                                86  119479
  27. Global Warming and FUD (OT?)                                 84  176727
  28. FireFox playing catchup!                                     82   88300
  29. SuSE 9.1 lifetime patch statistics                           80   62736
  30. Wireless Networking Still A Nightmare With Linux.            78   94654
  31. And here I thought you were Linux advocates...               78   85052
  32. NEWS - 96.97% for Windows                                    76  111535
  33. Ubuntu+Enlightenment (Ebuntu) Project on Its Way             74  294405
  34. OSS slopware still making things difficult                   73   82576
  35. My first killfile entry                                      73   77700
  36. 01/09/06 24 hrs                                              72  121619
  37. [News] Microsoft 'Fights' Piracy...                          72  101927
  38. Linux Will Get Buried.                                       71   95686
  39. Eric Raymond "No iPod Support"...No future for Desktop Li    71   88415
  40. Can Dumb Willie Poaster pass the MCSE exams he ridicules?    71   74636
  41. Vista pre-orders at Amazon                                   71   72569
  42. RMS: "I would rather have no software than closed softwar    69   83502
  43. [News] Hasta La Vista, Windows Vista                         68   60985
  44. Windows irrelevant?                                          66  255642
  45. A (bad) trip in the way back machine                         65   97334
  46. One Linux PC, one Windows luser ...                          65   92437
  47. LIE-NUX hardware myth                                        65   84425
  48. How do I...                                                  63   63853
  49. GoogleEarth                                                  62   87643
  50. Two Percent of Desktops? Who cares?                          61  123168

A total of 2040 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. KNode                                3381
   2. slrn                                 2332
   3. Microsoft Outlook Express            1444
   4. Pan                                  1195
   5. G2                                   1093
   6. Gnus                                  935
   7. tin                                   917
   8. Shysterwitch                          409
   9. Mozilla                               404
  10. MacSOUP                               330
  11. Thunderbird                   324
  12. Email                         224
  13. Sylpheed-Claws 1.0.4                  219
  14. Forte Agent                           218
  15. 40tude_Dialog                         200
  16. MT-NewsWatcher                        141
  17. Xnews                                  95
  18. Thunderbird                    93
  19. pan 0.99                               92
  20. Microsoft Windows Mail                 90
  21. Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 Englis    79
  22. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6              75
  23. knews                                  72
  24. Hogwasher                              64
  25. MR                                     49
  26. MesNews                                48
  27. trn 4.0-test76                         31
  28. Halime                                 31
  29. MicroPlanet-Gravity                    27
  30. Unison                                 27
  31. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English        25
  32. Pan build 0.112 beta                   22
  33. gnus 5.10.6/XEmacs 21.4.15/Linux       20
  34. MacSOUP/D-2.7 (Mac OS X                18
  35. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7              16
  36. Forte                                  12
  37. Thunderbird                    12
  38. Microhard Lookout Expresstrain         12
  39. Pine                                   11
  40. Yanoff+                                 9
  41. Microsoft-Entourage                     9
  42. Thoth                                   9
  43. Pan; Linux kernel 2.6 on      9
  44. Direct                                  8
  45. Forte Agent 4.0/32.1071                 7
  46. pan 0.111                               7
  47. pan 0.102                               7
  48. MacSOUP/2.7 (Mac OS X                   6
  49. Thunderbird 1.5                         6
  50. ProNews                                 5

A total of 70 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday     1936 *********************************************
Tuesday    2346 ******************************************************
Wednesday  1941 *********************************************
Thursday   1852 *******************************************
Friday     2576 ************************************************************
Saturday   2186 **************************************************
Sunday     2213 ***************************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059   481 *******************************
0100-0159   391 *************************
0200-0259   367 ***********************
0300-0359   288 ******************
0400-0459   257 ****************
0500-0559   273 *****************
0600-0659   331 *********************
0700-0759   386 ************************
0800-0859   603 **************************************
0900-0959   750 ************************************************
1000-1059   725 **********************************************
1100-1159   746 ************************************************
1200-1259   673 *******************************************
1300-1359   743 ************************************************
1400-1459   865 *******************************************************
1500-1559   928 ************************************************************
1600-1659   919 ***********************************************************
1700-1759   865 *******************************************************
1800-1859   807 ****************************************************
1900-1959   812 ****************************************************
2000-2059   798 ***************************************************
2100-2159   760 *************************************************
2200-2259   702 *********************************************
2300-2359   580 *************************************


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