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Re: Linux on Oracle?

yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Similar figures (~80% for Linux) in high-performance computing.
> I dont think so...there's a difference between linux doing high-performance
> computing, and something like solaris or aix doing high-performance 
> computing.
I'm sure what he is referring to is using large numbers of very cheap
commodity PCs to build massive compute clusters... which in case you
hadn't noticed has become very popular.  Yes, you can get more
powerful computers from Sun, etc, but when it comes to clustering,
you often get more bang for the buck with linux/PC hardware.  It's 
all about economies of scale.

> Never forget that linux in a high-end arena is still the motley patchwork
> it is on lower-end systems.  If I want to run Oracle on a high end system,
> I want a system with hot swappable memory modules, hot swappable PCI cards,
> and entire CPU boards that I can rip out without even having to change 
> runlevels in the operating system.  And I want oracle to just cook along
> and take it like a little bitch, and not die a horrible death from which
> resurrection could be days---as it currently is with linux.
You can go that route, or you can have completely redundant commodity
servers with dynamic fail-over.  In many cases, that is a much more
cost effective and equally reliable solution.


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