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Re: Microsoft, Enron - Peas In A Pod - "Enron, the MS of Energy"

__/ [ flyer ] on Friday 06 April 2007 09:28 \__

> A little insight from 2002 regarding the future (good luck) of MS.
> "Strangely, Enron Chief Executive Officer Ken Lay publicly stated that
> the best way to view Enron was as the Microsoft of the energy field.
> Let?s trust Lay, a Ph.D. economist, and examine Enron through a
> Microsoft-style window."
> http://www.portlandtribune.com/opinion/story.php?story_id=9726

I don't think we'll ever see Bill and Steve doing time in prison though. In
any event, they should have been stopped sooner, but the government seemed
pleased with the fact that money came across the Pacific and Atlantic while
virtually all PCs around the world had back doors for the NSA to utilise.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue"
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