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Re: Call to Avoid Porting Free Software to Windows

Ramon F Herrera wrote:
On Apr 4, 6:46 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please do not port software to Windows!

The key question here is this. What does more damage to Microsoft:

 - Open Office for Linux?
 - Open Office for Windows?


Or, the fact that all Microsoft.com and MSN.com sites are behind 15,000 Akamai Leased Linux servers, for safety from DDOS and other attacks?

I know that the fact that Google runs GNU/Linux clustered on >100,000 systems, and Hotmail.com has always run FreeBSD, are all indictments of the M$ failure to launch in the server market.

Simply put, "114,000 Microsoft Virus Definitions" says more than anything about where your energy and resources will be expended.

I don't run multiple-convicted-felon Microsoft's products and adamantly remind all customers and clients that it will cost them more for total cost of ownership just for the high labor resources expended to try to make it work.

I know that if I deal with a business that runs Microsoft, I will be charged MORE for the products/services that the business provides me.
So, as a wise consumer, I avoid any business that runs multiple convicted felon Microsoft products.

You wouldn't normally re-enter the alley where you were mugged, in order to display the watch and ring they didn't take from you in the first robbery. Why go back for more abuse? Most users of Microsoft are incompetent in the knowledge and operation of computers, and deserve all the frustration they paid for! Just do NOT make me pay more, as a consumer or customer!

I would like to have a penny for every time someone mentioned that the 'dog ate' all their Microsoft Office or Power Point work as they were creating or saving it!

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