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[News] Windows Botnet Spewage Claims Another Victim

Plusnet servers stuffed by spam

,----[ Quote ]
| The Sheffield-based outfit is in the process of migrating email to a
| new £250,000 server platform, but said its current issues were
| unrelated to the work, which should be completed within two weeks.


This comes to show the cost of poor security and botnets.


Image spam fattens junk mail

,----[ Quote ]
| The increased size of spam messages, to say nothing of their volume,
| might result in higher costs for end users forced to up their
| bandwidth and storage resources.


Microsoft is the world's biggest cause of zombie remailers

,----[ Quote ]
| In China, it would take about one and one-half years wages (for the
| average Chinese) to buy a legitimate copy of Windows Vista. If you
| could find it here.
| Microsoft is the biggest cause of zombie remailers in the world,
| because they make noises, but do not do anything to address the
| real digital inequities in the world. 


[Australia:] WA infrastructure dept close to e-mail disaster

,----[ Quote ]
| Western Australia's Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DPI)
| has revealed its Microsoft Exchange-based e-mail system is
| suffering frequent outages that are creating a risk of
| embarrassing public data loss.


Pump and dump spam comes to Europe 

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission
| (SEC) had suspended trading in 35 companies that were found to
| be commonly referenced in pump-and-dump stock email campaigns.


SEC goes after stock spammers, hackers

,----[ Quote ]
| The SEC action to freeze the assets is the third filed in as many
| months involving market manipulation schemes conducted through
| online account intrusions. In the past the SEC has also taken
| action against individuals who allegedly broke into financial
| news Web sites or news release services.
| [...]
| "When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips
| off investors, it's illegal and destructive," SEC Chairman
| Christopher Cox said in a statement.


Spam Made Up 94% Of All E-Mail In December 

,----[ Quote ]
| "The major event in communications security is the emergence of
| botnets. This has changed the game, the dynamics, and economics
| of the Internet security marketplace. When the bad guys can now
| harness more than a million computers around the world and use
| them to push an increasing amount of attacks, that's a major
| change."


Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
| the BBC reports. 


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