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[News] 70% of All Open Sources Developed in Europe, Continent Prepares for Migration

EU-funded project seeks 'quality seal' for open source software

,----[ Quote ]
| The use of open source software is clearly on the rise. The many 
| advantages it holds over proprietary software, such as its
| flexibility and adaptability, not to mention cost, have drawn
| many champions from both the public and private sectors, though
| it is not without its drawbacks.
| [...]
| The QualOSS project takes a unique approach to the evaluation of
| open source software by synthesising already available resources, 
| such as source code and documentation, as well as data about the
| developer community supporting the software products.
| [...]
| Europe has long been recognised as being at the forefront of the
| open source movement. A recent study conducted by FLOSSWorld,
| another EU-funded project, reports that 70% of all open sources
| software is developed in Europe, and QualOSS will only contribute
| the Europe's pre-eminence in the field.



European spend on open source software hits 22bn Euros

,----[ Quote ]
| Rishab Ghosh, a senior researcher at the UN University in Maastricht,
| will tell the Open Ireland conference in Dublin that the spend in the
| US on free/libre or open source software (FLOSS) stands at 36bn
| Euros and accounts for 20pc of software spend in the US.


Trialing the open source franchise model

,----[ Quote ]
| It appears that a group of European suppliers are giving it a go, at
| least on a trial basis.
| The Open Forum Europe (TOF-e) has been set up to run until the end
| of May to "test the commercial viability of a framework that will
| allow for more confidence and commercial clarity of the whole
| Open Source process".


EU report on FLOSS: "FLOSS saves money"


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