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[News] Microsoft Creates Its Own Barcode 'Standard'

Colour barcode system to hit DVDs

,----[ Quote ]
| Developed by Microsoft, it is one of a number of competing products
| hoping to find their way onto packaging.


When I read about such INNOVA~1 I wonder, why not have /industry/ standards?

Answer below:


[Microsoft:] "For example, we should take the lead in establishing a common
approach to UI and to interoperability (of which OLE is only a part). Our
efforts to date are focussed too much on our own apps, and only incidentally
on the rest of the industry. We want to own these standards, so we should
not participate in standards groups. Rather, we should call 'to me' to the
industry and set a standard that works now and is for everyone's benefit. We
are large enough that this can work."

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