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[News] Linux on Business Desktop Just a Matter of Inertia

Linux on the business desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, my Linux (business) desktop adventure continues--some good,
| some annoying and (surprisingly, to me at least) only a few bad.
| I've sussed-out SUSE and ushered in Ubuntu--both of which demonstrate
| that the real issue is no longer technical (it hardly ever is, is
| it?). Both of these distros are increasingly suitable for the
| average business desktop... and increasingly the business laptop
| too, imho. For example, Ubuntu 7.04, named Feisty Fawn, due for
| release Thursday 19 April, looks to make wireless support an
| out-of-the-box experience for laptop Linux.
| So, with the technical arguments receding into the background, the
| decision to 'switch' will come down to minimising intertia (just
| as with the Mac). 


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