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Re: Waggener Edstrom MOG & Microsoft ..

__/ [ 7 ] on Tuesday 17 April 2007 21:02 \__

> Doug Mentohl wrote:
>> From: Doug Miller
>> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 12:03 PM
>> To: Stephanie Wettstein (Waggener Edstrom); Katrina Busch (Waggener
>> Edstrom); Chuck Humbie; (Waggener Edstrom); Steve Aeschbacher (LCA)
>> Cc: David Martin (WINMKTG); Adam Sohn; Vivek Varma; Brian Schuster; Dan
>> Neault; Dan Crouse (LCA); Tom Burt (LCA); Chris Meyers (LCA); Lisa Tanzi
>> (LCA); Kim Akers (WINDOWS); Tom Philips; Carl Stork; Mike Porter; Bill
>> Veighte; Brian Valentine; Jim Ewel; Vivek Varma
>> Subject: FW: OSDL PR Plan - attorney client privileged
>> attorney client privileged
>> Stephanie / Kate Chuck, please find attached the PR response plan for
>> the anticipated OSDL announcement. As discussed in our PR meeting this
>> morning. David & I have spoken with Maureen O'Gara (based on go ahead
>> from Branv) and planted the story. She has agreed to not attribute the
>> story to us. WaggEd actions include reviewing the positioning review the
>> proposed buddy mail, reviews Q&As, etc.
>> Privileged Material Redacted .. We expect this to leak today. At the
>> point we will proactively respond or contact press with our positioning
>> points.
> "As discussed in our PR meeting this
>  morning. David & I have spoken with Maureen O'Gara (based on go ahead
>  from Branv) and planted the story. She has agreed to not attribute the
>  story to us."
> Its taken straight out of some bad novel right?

Notice that fact that they 'planted' the story. Groklaw pick this one out. It
show that MOG, who badmouthed and spied on PJ, is indeed nothing but a
Microsoft shill.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Turn up the jukebox and tell me a lie"
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