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Re: [News] McNealy in Support of Open Standards, Sun Opens Up Servers for Linux

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Wednesday 18 April 2007 16:53 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Sun's McNealy Calls for Merger of OASIS/ISO's ODF and China's UOF
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| But the conference is also timely in that McNealy took a meaningful
>>| amount of time during his presentation to note that there are (in his
>>| words) three main document formats in existence today: Microsoft Office,
>>| Open Document Format (ODF) and China's Uniform Office Format (UOF). And
>>| he also called for the last two to be merged.
>> `----
> He's quite right about this.  I don't truly understand why the Chinese
> decided to invent their own, here, but it does seem to dilute the effort
> of ODF somewhat.  Microsoft will hang on to their vertically-locked
> format for as long as they can squeeze their last customer for upgrade
> cash.

Outside the US, their fight is a lost cause, despite all the lobbying. Watch
them lose a lot of market share. The cash cow is getting leaner.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | UNIX: Because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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