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[News] Intel Scared of Microsoft, Fear Affects Linux Adoption

Intel Seen Using China Forum to Detail Plans on Hand-Helds

,----[ Quote ]
| That software effort does not have the support of Mr. Otellini, who
| is concerned about incurring Microsoft's wrath, the executive said.
| The two companies have a long history of tension over who controls
| the hardware and software direction of the "Wintel standard." Intel
| has said it is supporting both operating systems.


It's like the mafia. Men in black. See below.


Did Microsoft want to 'whack' Dell over its Linux dealings?


Dell's secret Linux fling [sabotaged by Microsoft]


Microsoft 'killed Dell Linux' - States


,----[ Quote ]
| ...PC makers remain loyal to (read: scared of) Microsoft. But Linux
| is catching on like crazy in other devices, powering the sleek new
| Motorola A1200 Ming smart phone, the Sony Mylo handheld computer,
| Linksys wireless routers and TiVo digital video recorders.


,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp is using scare tactics to exert pressure on PC vendors
| not to explore the potential of desktop Linux, according to Novell
| Inc president and COO, Ron Hovsepian


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