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[News] Another Example of Windows Requiring 'Maintenance' and 'De-crapping'

De-crapping Windows XP is so PC 

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of you have already migrated to Linux of different flavors, and
| I'm happy for you, but I am not ready to Go There quite yet.



Ext3 File System for performance in Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| As an idea that was sparked by using a shared Ext3 File System between a 
| dual boot of Ubuntu and Windows, what would happen if you went as far as 
| installing Windows-native games on that shared Ext3 partition? Think of the 
| benefits: no need to defragment that massive Hard Disk of yours every now 
| and again. This guide will update as I experiment more.
| [...]
| I think this idea would work very well for any program/game with a
| large amount of files, due to Ext3's more streamlined architecture.
| As I say, I'm just experimenting with this, but it's working very
| well.


Six free and simple steps to keep your [Windows] computer running smooth

,----[ Quote ]
| 1. Improve Your Browsing Experience [Get Firefox]
| 2. Clean Up Your Room [Remove third-party applications 'bloat'/Registry]
| 3. Keep Your Room Clean
| 4. Call In The Exterminator [malware]
| 5. Visit The Doctor Early and Often [viruses]
| 6. (De)frag It


Last week:

Windows XP OS is really quite a crock 

,----[ Quote ]
| It's amazing that Microsoft built-in a disk defragger into Windows XP,
| but it didn't get around to building an operating system defragger.
| [...]
| Are there better ways to clean up and speed up a Windows XP? Sure,
| there are plenty of different techniques and options, but if
| Microsoft had some smarts, they'd build a lean-and-mean Vista
| (since XP is now "legacy") for laptops and desktops without all
| the assorted crap that they've built in over the years.


Why Does Windows Get Slower Over Time?

,----[ Quote ]
| The natural impulse is to blame Windows itself. The phenomenon is so
| well known and widespread that some in the industry have even coined a
| term for it: "Windows rot." The idea is that, for lack of a specific
| cause, Windows just performs worse the longer you use it. 


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