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Re: [News] Get the Latest Windows, Get ~1000 Almost-working Applications

John Locke <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>| As of the end of March, 2007, 129 applications were certified or designed
>>| for Windows Vista, and 922 applications worked or were compatible with
>>| Windows Vista. Think that's a lot? Well, it does add up to over 1,000
>>| applications you can run on Windows Vista with few, if any, issues.
>>| But, given that there are tens of thousands of applications designed
>>| for Windows, this first thousand is just a drop in the bucket.
> In theory, old XP apps are supposed to run under Vista's
> "compatability mode". But I wouldn't bet the farm on it:
> http://lifehacker.com/software/vista/how-to-run-pre+vista-programs-in-compatibility-mode-251492.php
> To me, it is totally unacceptable that the apps currently running on
> XP won't run on Vista. I don't give a hoot what their excuse is. It
> should have never been designed that way. They should have made
> some provision for running legacy apps. 
> They should have at least provided users with a FREE XP license for
> installation into a virtual session. 

This is all about forcing obsolesence, I should say.  Vista appears to
have nothing particularly valuable about it, so there needs to be some
way of pushing people off their older systems and onto something new,
thus providing Microsoft with a new revenue stream.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
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