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[News] Wii and PS3 Get Radio, Microsoft Bans Free Stuff

Microsoft forbids free Xbox content 

,----[ Quote
| Tim Sweeney disclosed how Microsoft is barring their efforts to
| offer free content for owners of Gears of War. Guys from Epic
| created six maps (two of which have been released to gamers)
| for this hit-title which earned Microsoft millions of dollars,
| but now Epic cannot release the remaining four maps. Reason is
| very simple: money.


Virgin Radio comes to Wii, PS3 

,----[ Quote ]
| We are not aware of when the Xbox 360 will be supported, or if it
| be at all, thanks to Microsoft's policy concerning free content
| for its console.
| It is not a technical issue, but Virgin would probably like to
| avoid paying money to M$ for providing free content. 


The greed is amazing, isn't it? No wonder XBox is a financial sewer (see


Loot: Redmond, We Have a Problem, Or, What's Wrong With the Xbox 360

,----[ Quote ]
| At this point, Former becomes impassioned. That's not fair, he says;
| we always saw this as a long-term venture. To which we reply that we
| were talking about the original Xbox, and while other divisions of
| the company throw off more profits in a single quarter than the
| entire $5 billion or so lost in the home and entertainment division
|        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| to date, the fact remains that, as we take-our-word-for-it predicted,
| the Xbox group has been spectacularly unprofitable for Microsoft.
| Hence, our heretofore unpublished Vietnam analogy. The rest of the
| night is a blur, but we digress.
| [...]
| The worst case scenario for Microsoft, then, is one in which the Xbox
| 360's bid for the mass market is blocked by the Wii for the next two to
| three years, at which point the aging and underpowered Wii gives way
| to a cheaper-than-it-is-now PS3 with a selection of AAA titles that's
| far wider than what the PS3 has at the moment; new installments of
| Playstation's own popular and casual-leaning games; and a slew of
| new franchises from Sony's much-larger studio operation.


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