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[News] Windows Programmers Became a Commodity; Microsoft's Adverts Invade the Dining Table

As the Software World Turns, Part 1: Engineers In, Programmers Out

,----[ Quote ]
| Gone are the days of simple client/server programming, when coders
| created Windows-based applications that made simple calls to the 
| company's database.


Wowfee thoughts

,----[ Quote ]
| While at Jayanagar last month, cousin S and I went to a cafe. Asked
| for the menu card. Opened it, and wham, there was wowfee! That very
| item on the list - Windows Vista Coffee...


A waste of Microsoft's money. How much of Vista's price is actually covering
propaganda costs (patents aside, not to mention other issues
http://w1.rob.com/pix/weird/elrenohs )?


Working for The Man? Advice to a young programmer

,----[ Quote ]
| Many programmers, especially those who write for virtual machines such as 
| Java or the .NET CLI, think that low-level machine architecture and 
| processor instructions don't matter anymore. That's still not true, and I 
| don't believe it ever will be.
| [...]
| It is very important to be able to show your next employer what
| you have done, and what you are able to do in a team. Free
| software/open source is the ideal way of doing this. It's not
| just a better way of producing software, it's actually better
| for the reputation of the people creating it. One of the first
| things I do when evaluating someone is to look for samples of
| their code out there on the Internet. If you work on proprietary
| software you can't show anyone anything, and real code speaks
| louder than any list of projects you claim to have worked on.


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