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[News] PostgreSQL or MySQL are Proof of the Black Art of Benchmarks

PostgreSQL or MySQL: Which is faster?

,----[ Quote ]
| It's easy to find benchmarks that favor one database over another,
| depending on the hardware, the configuration and the test. One database
| might do better on a single-core machine with little memory, while
| another can take better advantage of scaling to multiple core processors.
| One might lead on reads while another leads on writes.
|     * This MySQL vs. Postgres demonstrates MySQL is faster.
|     * Benchw results shows PostgreSQL as being faster.
|     * The Windows Skills blog shows MySQL is faster. 



,----[ Quotes with annotation ]
| "(Microsoft manager:) I don't like the fact that the report show us losing 
| on TCO on webservers. I don't like the fact that the report show us losing 
| on availability (windows was down more than linux). And I don't like the 
| fact that the reports says nothing new is coming with windows .net server."
| [...]
| "I don't like it to be public on the doc that we sponsored it because I 
| don't think the outcome is as favorable as we had hoped. I just don't like 
| competitors using it as ammo against us. It is easier if it doesn't mention 
| that we sponsored it."


Reviewing a Microsoft anti-Linux case study

,----[ Quote ]
| The answer is that neither Linux nor Solaris nor any other Unix variant is 
| mentioned in this report; Microsoft simply hung an anti-Linux label on a 
| very carefully worded story about a pair of committed Microsoft partners, 
| HP and Accenture, getting together with Microsoft to sell rather simple 
| technology to a willing customer - whose employers, I think, should be 
| seriously embarrassed.


Slashdot promotes windows!

,----[ Quote ]
| This ad appeared on this mornings reload of Slashdot.org. It
| OVER LINUX FOR RELIABILITY!" and stopped at the frame shown here.
| The implication is "Windows is more reliable than Linux in server 
| environments. You should run Windows Server 2003 if you want to
| succeed."


Rumor: Is Microsoft cheating their [Xbox 360] sales?

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, there are some sobering thoughts with very broad implications
| for any company if that were true. That being said, would you buy
| from Microsoft, or any other company for that matter, if they were
| cheating their sales?


,----[ Quote ]
| "This is a relic of old-line consumer products companies like Philip
| Morris, or fraudsters like Miniscribe who literally shipped bricks in
| lieu of disk drives to hit sales targets.
| [...]
| Channel stuffing is the business practice where a company or a sales
| force within a company inflates its sales figures by forcing more
| products through a distribution channel than the channel is capable
| of selling to the world at large.
| [...]
| We have a game we play around the office here with Microsoft press
| releases. The game is, "Find the words that make the headline true."
| It's not always easy.
| [...]
| Sony, like Microsoft, announces units shipped, not actually sold.
| This allows both companies to advertise sales numbers based on how
| many units they can force retailers to accept, not on how many units
| customers actually buy; both have considerable market power to push
| excess unsold inventory into the channel."


Early Vista Sales Don't Tell the Whole Story

,----[ Quote ]
| This week, NPD released limited channel data for Windows Vista licenses 
| sold to businesses through resellers like CompuCom, Softmart and Software 
| Spectrum.
| [...]
| To be clear: The missing information is to be expected, and I don't
| mean to reflect poorly on Swenson or NPD. Research firms aren't in
| the business of giving away information to the news media, but
| selling it to clients. The information provided to the press
| should be incomplete.


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