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[News] FOSS is Becoming Suitable for Small Businesses

  • Subject: [News] FOSS is Becoming Suitable for Small Businesses
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 03:32:19 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Open Source: Smallville Becomes Metropolis

,----[ Quote ]
| With its low purchase, installation and operating costs and its high degree 
| of modifiability, open source software is an ideal solution for SMEs that 
| need an integrated IT platform to run the core areas of their business 
| efficiently. While the SME will still need skilled personnel who understand 
| ERP and open source, the barriers to entry for organizations with smaller 
| budgets are significantly reduced.     



SourceLabs looks to tame open-source sprawl

,----[ Quote ]
| SourceLabs has developed an application to bring order to
| corporations' thicket of open-source components.
| [...]
| The application, which runs on Windows or Linux, includes a copy of Swik, 
| wiki-based collaboration software developed by SourceLabs that lets IT 
| professionals share information on specific products.


Virtualization fits in small business

,----[ Quote ]
| The advent of high-performance workstations and servers based on
| Windows, Linux and similar technologies brought the benefits of
| virtualization to small- and mid-size businesses that might have
| only a limited IT staff and an even more limited budget.


Small businesses are ripe for free software

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, the initial appeal for a business is the same advantage
| that I first noticed about many free software applications: the zero
| acquisition cost. The ability to acquire these programs for free
| allows you to spend your limited capital funds in areas that
| generate profits for your company. In my initial scenario, we
| purchased one more PC than originally planned with the savings.
| [...]
| Whether you are a new business, at the point where your start-up
| expenses are exceeding your revenues (if any revenues yet), or a
| current business owner wanting to be frugal with your expenses
| and investments, you can find a free software application for
| your company.


Are SMBs Missing the Open Source Boat?

,----[ Quote ]
| "One of the frustrations shared by many SMBs is the lack of 
| affordable customization capabilities for business software,"
| said Red Hat Exchange Product Director Matt Mattox, "[but] this
| is where open source solutions can make the most headway. ... The
| longer-term opportunity is to engage the open source community to
| develop customized solutions for a wide variety of SMB niches.


Verio Targets SMBs With Linux-Based Managed Server Release

,----[ Quote ]
| Verio's Linux MPS is built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4 and
| comes bundled with dedicated, enterprise-level hardware, a highly
| secure managed hosting Get FREE CDN for 3 Months. 


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