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[News] Oracle Dismisses Shuttleworth's Opinion, Says It Won't Fork Linux

  • Subject: [News] Oracle Dismisses Shuttleworth's Opinion, Says It Won't Fork Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:58:31 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Oracle claims no Linux ulterior motive

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle is using LinuxWorld to try and calm concerns its Enterprise Linux and 
| Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) will fork Red Hat and fragment the Linux 
| market.  



Oracle's got a giant Red Hat fork coming, says spaceman

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle's assault on Linux looks to take the shape of a fork in the near 
| future, according to Canonical founder and Ubuntu chief Mark Shuttleworth. 


Is Unbreakable a long-term Linux play?

,----[ Quote ]
| After initial cynicism I have been forced to rethink my opinion on a couple 
| of occassions, notably Oracle's patent pledge, the naming of customers and 
| the naming of partners, although I remain unconvinced that OEL is a long-term 
| strategy for the company as opposed to an attempt to disrupt the market.   
| Linux is clearly a long-term commitment. Oracle Enterprise Linux? Not sure.


Ubuntu chief: Oracle Linux has 'tactical value'

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle has the ability to support Linux, and doing so could
| have "tactical value" for the database company, the founder
| of Ubuntu Linux--and a potential Oracle partner--said Friday.


Shuttleworth: Oracle-Ubuntu partnership only a matter of time

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical Ltd. CEO Mark Shuttleworth said a partnership with
| Oracle is no longer a matter of if, but when.


Linux kernel maintainer allays fears about forking

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel is believed to the top contributor to the kernel and its contribution 
| only amounts to 4 percent, Gordon said. 
| "That means no single organization has the manpower to take the kernel, run 
| off and fork it," said Morton. Forking would not be economically feasible. 
| The only remote possibility of forking would be if a group of organizations 
| controlling about 40 percent of the kernel joined forces and decided to fork 
| it, Morton said. He stressed he sees no chance of that happening.     


The value of an independent Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Isn't this what we want? Aren't we better off having the OS vendor separate 
| from the application vendor separate from the database vendor? Do we really 
| want our consolidating, integrating industry to leave us with fewer choices, 
| not more?   


Memo to Con Kolivas: why not roll your own?

,----[ Quote ]
| Kolivas, according to the interview, came up against three of the big guns in 
| the kernel project - Torvalds, Andrew Morton and Ingo Molnar - when trying to 
| lobby for his patches.  
| With free and open source software, there is a way out, if Kolivas really 
| wants to put his improvements out there and prove his point. Follow de 
| Raadt's example and fork the project.  


Fork a kernel, kill an "OS" and revolutionize the desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Free Software is about restoring the freedom of computer users. But now that 
| we have it, why not take things to the next level? Let's make a desktop 
| operating system which will be truly irresistible, then conquer the desktop 
| and make computers really fun again.   


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