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Re: Advocate!

____/ John Bailo, Texeme.Construct on Tuesday 07 August 2007 17:15 : \____

> Never has open source and linux been so available and usable to the
> public.
> Never have so many barriers been brought down, such as pre-installed
> Ubuntu on Dell laptops.
> Never has the press been reporting so many success stories.
> Never has a Linux company, Google, dominated the business world as
> much.

Google and Linux are the biggest threat to Microsoft (says Ballmer) and...

> And yet, COLA spends its days MS Bashing.

...Don't you think we need to be aware of what they do to sabotage Linux (and
Google)? Learn from history. They have no ethics. They are ruthless. They are
secretive. These new business models (free software and Web/ad-supported
services) drive them mad. They try to change and subvert (moving goalposts or
pull carpets from under rivals' feet). They can't buy he competition either.
Some of the market share they buy (e.g. that company they recently bough for
$6 billion) are actually using Linux, so it shows you how miserable they are.
They throw money away. They recruit other companies to do their fights too
(Novell, Big Media, e.g. to fight YouTube). 

> I rarely hear any Advocacy (anymore) promoting all these "advantages"
> to the public.
> Linux doesn't need marketshare; it needs mindshare...

We need truth. Microsoft uses Big Lie strategies.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Reclaim your workstation - install GNU/Linux today
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