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Re: Novell Goes Deeper into Patent Mess It Created and Entered

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ John Bailo, Texeme.Construct on Tuesday 07 August 2007 08:18 : \____
>> On Aug 6, 8:45 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Novell prepares for patent battle with Microsoft?
>>> ,----[ Quote
>>> | Novell has boosted it's legal team with one of America's top patent
>>> | lawyers in what is building up to be a legal battle with Microsoft.
>> Will that make you like them better -- or is it all part of the /
>> conspiracy/ ?!?!

A good question, really.  I wonder if this is deliberate to warm up the
idea that software patents are important?

>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | existing .NET application framework, 15 strategic .NET
>>> | applications, more than five terabytes of data stored in an Oracle
>>> | database, and an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) repository
>>> | into a highly secure, role-based WebSphere Portal environment running
>>> | under Linux.
>> An ambitious programmer has many APIs.
> ...to which many get access, including customers (end users) to the product of
> the labour. You mentioned service that uses "Silverlight DRM" earlier? Will
> this work for a GNU/Linux user?
> Understand that the name .NET was prophetic. Along with a dozen so-called
> standard .NET the rest of the stack are attempts to hijack the Web, which is
> the future of computing (the network is the computer).

Uuuuhhh, baaddd.  Medical data, critical to life and limb, accessed via
a framework of dubious legal status?  Now, who would agree to that, I

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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