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Re: [News] [Rival] IE7 Not Working Properly, Even on Windows Vista

____/ Brett Ryan on Monday 06 August 2007 15:00 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Vista IE7 issue remains unsolved for many users
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | When I read stuff like this, it confirms my belief that there’s something
>> | very broken in the world of Vista. Here’s a very knowledgeable user and
>> | talented developer who’s confounded and befuddled by a well-documented and
>> | still unaddressed issue affecting Vista users running Internet Explorer 7.
>> `----
>> http://techomg.com/vista-ie7-issue-remains-unsolved-for-many-users/
>> Some more blame thrown everywhere but Microsoft and their DRM-infected
>> kernel.
>> Nvidia the Cause of Vista Complaints?
> And this is a suprise?  Everyone that I know who has worked with Vista
> have not had a good thing to say about it.  That includes ISP's,
> hardware vendors, application vendors.  It's a mess.

I sometimes see positive reviews, but at the end they turn out to have come
from people who are affiliated with Microsoft. Usually it's a story
about "getting used to" and "find some new applications to replace old ones",
which is similar the the whole "death tidal wave" that affects Vista-incapable
hardware, DRM-ed content (expiry/different DRM 'universe'), and Microsoft
Office documents that are incompatible (even across versions of the _same

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows Vistaster: Newly-coined Windows MEstake
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