Puppy Linux is fast yet full-featured
,----[ Quote ]
| Fast, small, lightweight—and still a full-featured GNU/Linux: Puppy Linux
| combines a complete set of applications with great flexibility, yet it
| requires minimal hardware. This article introduces this increasingly popular
| GNU/Linux distribution.
Graphics pros will find good tools in compact Grafpup distro
,----[ Quote ]
| Grafpup 2.0 is a compact Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux and aimed at
| graphics professionals. It offers a variety of options for installation, a
| custom set of configuration utilities, and a niche suite of applications for
| digital artists
Review: Puppy Linux 2.16.1
,----[ Quote ]
| Puppy Linux comes as a light weight 90mb ISO that can be burned to a mini-cd
| (210mb cd) and boots into a simple to use live cd session. Bootup into the
| live cd is quick and painless.
Mini-Reviews: Sabayon BE 1.0 and Puppy Linux 2.17
,----[ Quote ]
| Sabayon Linux is an Italian Gentoo-based distribution known for its
| cutting-edge features and striking artwork. On July 15th, they released
| Sabayon Linux 1.0 "Business Edition", which has a different focus than their
| regular releases: to satisfy the business user who needs a stable distro with
| a good set of applications suitable for office use, and who doesn't need a
| large selection of games, or the latest eye candy, such as Beryl or Compiz
| Fusion.
Why Having 500+ Distros is a Good Thing
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| Perhaps next time the author might think about what they're
| saying...because limiting the number of distros out there is
| absolutely NOT the way to go to accomplish anything other
| than limiting innovation.