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[News] Theo de Raadt Devoted to GNU/Free Software, But Also AMD

  • Subject: [News] Theo de Raadt Devoted to GNU/Free Software, But Also AMD
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 12:45:43 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
OpenBSD Founder Theo deRaadt Has Conflict of Interest With AMD

,----[ Quote ]
| I formerly had a great deal of respect, bordering on admiration, for Theo 
| deRaadt's refusals to compromise his open source principles, even in the face 
| of stiff opposition. Although he has occasionally gone over-the-top, 
| recommended some frankly very dubious changes to OpenBSD, and is regularly 
| arrogant (which is even more annoying because he's so often right!), he's 
| always remained consistent in his devotion to the cause of GNU/Free Software.      



OpenBSD founder: Intel leaves open-source out in the cold

,----[ Quote ]
| He accused Intel of understating the impact of the bugs “very significantly” 
| and cautioned OS developers that they will most certainly run into these 
| bugs.  
| [...]
| “All of this is just unbelievable to many of us,” he declared.
| de Raadt said he cannot recommend the purchase of any machines based on the 
| Intel Core 2 until these issues are dealt with. 
| “Intel must be come more transparent,” he said, noting that rival AMD isn’t 
| much better. 


Intel: Only "Open" for Business

,----[ Quote ]
| These vendors often want a quiet private discussion, because in a
| quiet private discussion they can continue to dismiss the requests and in
| the end do absolutely nothing. They do not want a noisy public
| discussion, because then they look bad. But they DESERVE TO LOOK BAD,
| because they are being bad to those who bought their hardware!
| [...]
| By withholding, Intel is being an Open Source fraud.
| [...]
| So let's win back the rights to run the hardware we purchased.
| Please feel free to let other open source communities know about this
| matter. Thank you. 


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