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Re: [Riva;] Analyst: Microsoft is Not a Growth Stock. Au Contraire.

____/ John Bailo, Texeme.Construct on Thursday 02 August 2007 21:55 : \____

> On Aug 2, 6:52 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> [There's suspicion that Microsoft is using shills here. (again)]
>> | But a horrid call, even made twice, is forgivable. What got me was that
>> | somewhere else in my steel trap of a mind was the memory of yet a third
>> | big bullish profile in Barron's by Savitz about how Microsoft was, uh --
>> | hey, you're really catching on here -- still a growth stock! That was
>> | titled "Pointing Up," from a bit over a year ago, April 3, 2006.
> I just emailed Motley Fool about the most egregious shill article
> ever...the article starts off with him mentioning a  "friend" who
> bought the stock in 1995 -- and it then goes on to talk about how far
> its gone up "since then".
> No mention whatsoever that for anyone who bought the stock from its
> peak in 2000 (7 years ago!) up until now, almost all of them would
> have lost money!   And the highest volumes for the stock were at the
> point of the big decline meaning that for most people they probably
> contributed to the ponzi scheme!

The sites name (and logo) pretty much says it all. It's just Microsoft's
jester. It's related to MSNBC as well.

That's how it works in Wall Street perhaps. Shilling is an occupation. Pump
that stock. Only Microsoft executives will know when to buy and when to sell,
earning money at the expense of Foolish^TM investors.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Roughly 2% of your keyboard is O/S-specific
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