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Re: [News] The Secret Plan Behind Microsoft's Open Source Embrace-to-Destroy Strategy

____/ waterskidoo on Thursday 02 August 2007 03:37 : \____

> On 2007-08-01, flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> American companies backed Hitler, yet many refuse to face up to that
>> *fact*.
>> My hope is that many are getting wise to what MS is up to.
>> All the independent Linux activity just might save us all from a scummy
>> Microsoft slanted future.
> You mean like this one:
> http://news.com.com/2009-1082-269157.html

Microsoft's man in Europe carries communist-era baggage

,----[ Quote ]
| That report sparked a flurry of speculation in Czech media and online
| chat rooms about Muehlfeit's role under the communist regime, and it
| elicited a public statement at the time from Microsoft, which
| supported Muehlfeit's integrity.


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Web 2.0 is everything that can be spammed" --Unknown
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