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[News] Review of Linux Killer App: Oracle 11g

  • Subject: [News] Review of Linux Killer App: Oracle 11g
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:43:55 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
A First Look at Oracle 11g database on Debian GNU/Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Three and half years have passed since my first attempts to install Oracle 
| 10g on an unsupported Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Seeing that Oracle 11g 
| is out, and exclusively for Linux at this time, I decided to download it 
|             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| among the first and see and share with you what it's installation looks like.   



Oracle 11g ships first on Linux, not Microsoft Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Forrester, Oracle's share of the DBMS market has declined to the 
| point where the platform has become less strategic to Oracle, Yuhanna said. 
| "Oracle is already betting on Linux to succeed by putting strong R&D and 
| marketing efforts around it," Yuhanna said. "Simply put, if Linux grows, 
| Oracle grows."   


Oracle opens up latest Linux enhancements

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle Corp. is busy at LinuxWorld, Wednesday opening up its latest work with 
| the Linux community to improve the enterprise capabilities of the open-source 
| operating system.  


Oracle claims no Linux ulterior motive

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle is using LinuxWorld to try and calm concerns its Enterprise Linux and 
| Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) will fork Red Hat and fragment the Linux 
| market.  


Is Unbreakable a long-term Linux play?

,----[ Quote ]
| After initial cynicism I have been forced to rethink my opinion on a couple 
| of occassions, notably Oracle's patent pledge, the naming of customers and 
| the naming of partners, although I remain unconvinced that OEL is a long-term 
| strategy for the company as opposed to an attempt to disrupt the market.   
| Linux is clearly a long-term commitment. Oracle Enterprise Linux? Not sure.


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