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[News] The Linux Hardware Compatibility Advantage

  • Subject: [News] The Linux Hardware Compatibility Advantage
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 12:48:25 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux Hardware Support Better Than Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Something I often hear from people that talk about Linux on the desktop is 
| this: people want to be able to go to the store, buy hardware, and be 
| confident that it will Just Work.  
| I would like to point out that things are rarely this simple on Windows. And, 
| in fact, things are often simpler on Linux these days. 



Linux Hardware Support

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's the problem with that argument: Most hardware does not
| work "Out of the box" in Windows. When people say their hardware
| worked "Out of the box" I don't think they are talking about "Out
| of the blue Windows XP box." What I think they mean is "Out of
| the Dell box."
| [...]
| The catch is that you must buy hardware that is supported by the
| software you intend to run on it. Is this really so unreasonable?
| Would you buy a Sun Spark workstation and try to run Windows on it?


Kernel Comparison for Linux (2.6.18) verses Windows (2003 R2)

,----[ Quote ]
| Architectures:  Linux   Windows
|   PC x86        Y       Y
|   PC AMD64      Y       Y
|   PC IA-64      Y       Y
|   Alpha         Y       N
|   PPC           Y       N
|   PPC64         Y       N
|   SPARC32       Y       N
|   SPARC64       Y       N
|   ARM           Y       N
|   HP PA-RISC    Y       N
|   Moto 680x0    Y       N
|   MIPS          Y       N
|   MIPS (DEC)    Y       N
|   PowerPC       Y       N
|   IBM S/390     Y       N
|   others        Y       N


HP all-in-one device works great with Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Once the ink cartridges have been installed and aligned --
| the unit first prints an alignment page, then scans it to
| check for needed adjustment -- Windows and Mac OS users are
| told to load their respective CDs to install the drivers.
| Linux users can scoff at the intellectual property
| handcuffs imposed on their non-free brothers and sisters
| and simply configure the unit from the friendly confines of their 
| distribution.


Beware being ripped by Vista hardware scams

,----[ Quote ]
| He says that as he continues to use Vista, he's discovering more
| problems and not just with graphics applications and monitors.
| No. He bought a Linksys wireless print server gizmo under a year
| ago and has discovered that the firm has no plans whatever to
| support it.


The Linux Hardware Puzzle

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux and Solaris hardware support has improved a great deal since 
| Phoronix started out in 2004, but still we frequently come across
| motherboards and other system components that face compatibility 
| issues. If the device doesn't work for the user they are then 
| forced to wait for the support or try different configurations, 
| attempt to return or exchange the product, or bite the bullet at a loss.
| What we also have available today are more computers that ship 
| with Linux pre-installed. There are a variety of smaller companies 
| such as LIX Systems, Mad Tux, and System76 that ship desktops and 
| notebooks with various flavors of Linux. Most recently Dell had 
| announced three Ubuntu PCs. While Dell now has one notebook and 
| two desktop computers for sale in the United States with Ubuntu 
| 7.04, there's much room for improvement in this area. Each step 
| counts, but the leap will come when Linux is shipped by tier-one
| manufacturers on the same day as new Microsoft Windows PCs.


When Buying PCs, Always Bring your Live CD!

,----[ Quote ]
| What I found was very disappointing but also very promising. Disappointing 
| because the Toshiba model completely failed my test, but very promising 
| because Circuit City seemed very willing to let me test these machines to my 
| heart’s content.    


Is my hardware Linux-compatible? Find out here

,----[ Quote ]
| Even when you can take so much support for granted, many pieces of hardware 
| remain a gamble. Since few manufacturers mention GNU/Linux support on their 
| packaging, let alone their Web sites, your only recourse is to search the 
| Internet for information. Your results will inevitably include dozens of 
| pages, many outdated or incomplete, all of which makes sorting and assessing 
| the information a time-consuming, often confusing task full of jargon that 
| only experts can fully understand.      
| What follows is an effort to list the sites with the most current information 
| available about cards and peripherals. 


The Epson Stylus C88 Printer, works in Linux but not in Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, I'm confused. I installed Ubuntu on a spare machine
| because my printer started printing all wrong. I just
| completed sharing it with CUPS and Samba and what happens?
| It still prints all wrong from Windows!
| [...]
| Just so you know, I did go back and install the drivers that
| came on the CD-ROM, same problem. I then downloaded the most
| recent drivers from Epson, same problem.


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